Aytise Alshat

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 00:56, 18 September 2017 by NigrantibusAlis (talk | contribs) (Fixed typo.)
Aytise Alshat
Played by: emperorhunterr#3660 on Discord
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 70 kg
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 32
Place of Birth: Naboo
Hair Color: Black Hair
Figure: lean, slightly muscular from long hours of training and engineer work
Universe of Origin: Star Wars
Organization: Empire
Jedi(not formally)
Occupation: Engineer, Pilot, Jedi in training, Mechanicus
Rank / Skill Level: 4 years of Jedi training, Tie Scout Pilot for 12 years, Engineer for 12 years, a member of the Mechanicum for another 4 long years

Highly enthusiastic, but can be a major asshole/sarcastic bastard. Highly anti-serious until thrust into a position of responsibility or tasked with a difficult objective.

Special Skills

  • Jedi
    • Knight level force skills,
    • a mediocre force user

special abilities

Being a major dick to those he dislikes or when he is just in a foul mood


Aytise was born upon the planet Naboo, upon reaching the age of 15 he was forced into the Empire's service, his family captured and held captive in order to force his compliance. After 1 year of training in the Imperial Academy Aytise was assigned as a Tie Scout Pilot but had also received extensive training in Engineering that continued even after he was released from the academy. After about 2 years in the service he was promoted to a squadron leader. He continued to serve for 10 more years before a fateful encounter with some Rogue elements that were fighting the Empire. (ask for further info) There he discovered his connection to the force and received training from multiple Force users. This lasted for 4 years of his life until the group separated after a tragic death of one whom Aytise considered a brother. (Cyro) After returning to Naboo Aytise had less than a week of quiet before falling through a portal into a land of war and death. He emerged on the planet mars, in the territory of the Mechanicum of Mars and quickly joined their ranks. ANOTHER 4 YEARS PASSED as he lived with the Mechanicus. He was on assignment to go to Terra when he fell through another one of those damn splices and has now found himself on the Solas Tempus station.