Vincent Welsh

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 17:05, 3 September 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Vincent Welsh
Vincent 'Vin' Welsh
Played by: The Chubby Gamer
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 230lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 47 (DOB: march 26 1158)
Place of Birth: Neiznanne kingdom, uncharted island
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: black
Figure: Muscular
Universe of Origin: unknown by world's means
Organization: Emerald militia
Occupation: Soldier
Rank / Skill Level: Majordomo (Leader of Militia)

Is kind to everyone he can while still being a man of discipline to his soldiers. Will, without hesitation, give up his life to save anothers

Special Skills

Masters in 10 different fighting styles (Boxing being one of them and his most known art, since it's his favorite sport/hobby). Is well spoken and talks in very high detail if need be. Is proficient in weaponry with longswords, shortswords and shields, katanas, throwing knives, rapiers, bows, and crossbows

Special Abilities

Carries a total of 20 20-pound katanas on his belt. Also has knowledge in magic about controling the elements around him and telekenesis. Uses both of his magic abiliites to enhance how he fights with the katanas


Vincent Welsh was born into the Nizenanne Kingdom in 1158, March 26. This was before the time of the Shadow Militia, so that meant the only thing the Emerald Militia had to fend off from were villages trying to rival the kingdom. His hometown was attacked by one of these villages. Luckily, he and his parents survived, with only 10 casualties out of his population of 119, one them sadly enough was his brother, Gregory. Ever since then, he's built an interest in fighting and ended up being an official soldier of the militia when he turned 19. He would go on to being a corporal for the militia and stayed at that rank ever since then, at least until the Shadow Militia was formed. His hometown was attacked once again, with it not being such a miracle this time. His father died and only 10 of his population survived from the attack (With there only being 2 attackers). After that incident, he learned what he did before would be nothing compared to now. He began to train with all of his soul and heart, and this eventually made him the majordomo of the Militia at the age of 38. With him as the main leader of it, the moral and strength of the soldiers increased 10-fold. As the war waged on, he became more and more of a man of discipline than before. He learned all he could as the majordomo, learning 3 of his 10 fighting styles and elemental magic before he became the majordomo, learning the rest of his skills afterwards. The war between the Militias waged on for 7 years while he was the leader, and after the final battle of the war, seeing the God of Death and what he did along with his battle with Maleki, leader of Squadron 13, he knew that he had to learn and grow even more as a soldier. He's been mastering his own style of fighting, wanting to be as strong as Maleki was on that day, so that he could protect not only his family, but the entire Neiznanne Kingdom as well from any threat that comes across them.