Ciara Quinn

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 16:23, 15 April 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Ciara Quinn
(Pronounced Kee-ar-ah)
Ciara Quinn
Race: QUINN Type AI
Date of Creation: April 9th 2380
Place of Creation: Outpost Poe
Laptop Containing Ciara

Ciara was created at Outpost Poe for nefarious purposes. Damien and Heather liberated her in a game of Blackjack through only slightly unethical means, as the person who had previously won her was going to use her for simply sex and it was not only cruel was a waste of her talents.


Ciara was programmed to be the perfect autonomous hacking system. While she has a very strong personality, she has a core directive to serve her owner and will refer to them as Master or Mistress depending on gender. She is fully self aware but her program adjusts to suit her owner to prevent owner/AI rejection, however, if mistreated it is likely that her system will reject her current owner and seek a new owner.

Special Skills

  • Electronic Infiltration
  • Electronic Tracking
  • Electronic Surveillance
  • Electronic Disinformation
  • Electronic Attack
  • Electronic Counter-Attack
  • Data Theft
  • Data Falsification
  • Data Scrubbing
  • Tracking Avoidance
  • Expert Computer Programmer
  • Seduction
  • Erotic Storytelling
  • Applied Cognitive Analysis