Kitara's Arwing

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 00:19, 20 March 2017 by Left4Cake (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb Kitar's [[|Arwing]] Modfied to be on par with current technogly ; Minimum Crew : 1 person ; Standard Crew : 1 person ; Maximum Crew : 1 person ;...")
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Kitar's Arwing Modfied to be on par with current technogly

Minimum Crew
1 person
Standard Crew
1 person
Maximum Crew
1 person
Cruising Speed
300 m/s
Maximum Speed (in atmosphere)
Mach 4.5
Maximum Speed
Warp 0.8
polaron beam, phaser pulse cannons, photon torpedo launcher
Deflector Shields
Power Source
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Warp Drive

Walker mode


The Arwing from the SNES and Zero Star Fox unviserses can turn into a "chicken walker" and walk across the land up too cursing speed. It can fire the same laser and jump left and right to perform barrel rolls.
