Sylvie Yamada

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 05:07, 17 March 2017 by T0l (talk | contribs)
Sylvie Yamada
Artificial Intelligence, Type II, Fighter Systems
Played by: @t0l#5123
Alias: N/A
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Gender: Female-gendered Programming
Race: Artificial Intelligence
Age: N/A
Date of Birth: N/A
Place of Birth: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Hair Color: N/A
Figure: N/A
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Organization: Solas Tempus Research and Development
Occupation: Combat Systems Artificial Intelligence
Rank / Skill Level: Trained

Envisioned as a next-generation fighter pilot assistant, the Type II Combat Systems Computer is an Artificial Intelligence based on QUINN AI architecture. Only one unit currently exists, and it has been fitted to Tal Ravis' T-493-HF/I "Karasu" interceptor for field evaluation.


As an AI designed for war, the Type II comes across as cold and lifeless in it's tone of voice. As a product of Solas Tempus R&D, it is programmed to be dutiful and intensely loyal to the organization, although it remains distrustful of pilots as it views itself as above them.

Special Skills

Complete control of Silver Bullet II’s systems, including fire control, engines, and radar.

Special Abilities

Capable of piloting Silver Bullet II in the event of pilot loss (unconsciousness, death, etc.). The Type II is also able to quickly read radar scans, detect up to 1284 serious threats to the ship, and engage them autonomously.


An experimental AI based off of QUINN architecture, the Type II AI is an advanced combat systems assistant that was placed in Tal’s T-493-HF/I “Karasu” interceptor as part of Solas Tempus’ “Offensive Fighter Systems” project evaluation period. While Tal is not privy to the program details and its goals, his ship was selected for evaluation with the new AI as it was one of the few dedicated combat fighters currently undergoing total refit, and the Type II AI was retroactively integrated into his overhauled sensor suite and flight systems.

Intending to maximize combat efficiency, effectiveness, and overall situational awareness of the pilot, Solas Tempus engineers are also curious to test the Type II AI’s ability to control the ship and engage targets autonomously in order to determine if it is suitable for controlling Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles (UCAVs). As the first and only of it’s kind, the Type IIA is programmed to preserve itself and the testbed ship and equipment over the well-being of the pilot. For example, if flying in atmosphere and believing the ship to be in severe danger, the AI will automatically take control of the ship from the pilot and move to escape or engage the hostiles, even going as far as performing high-G maneuvers that would turn the pilot into a fine paste. This function is overridable, as per Solas Tempus regulations.

Similar to other AIs, the Type IIA can be easily removed from the host ship by removing a special chip from the ship’s center flight instrument panel, or, if the pilot prefers to have the chip stored in the helmet, by removing the helmet’s combined life-support/systems plug.