Template:Character Box

Template page
Revision as of 12:21, 14 February 2017 by LilacRTL (talk | contribs) (Updated the layout paddings; Fixed text alignment for "Name" and "Information"; Moved "Played by" to "Information" section; Upscaled the image size to fit better on bigger screens and don't be so big for smaller screens; Updated guide to use the Template)
Character Box
Character Box

Template Guidelines

Standard Character Template

Items in the template marked with in bold are required, other items are optional but it is strongly suggested that you have a minimum of this information on a character before playing that character in game.

Player ID:
Character Name:
Height / Weight:
Hair / Eye Color:
Age / DoB:
Place of Birth:
Universe of Origin:
Rank / Skill Level:
Body Type:
Special Skills:
Special Abilities:

Wiki format

{{character box
|image= Image or Pic of your character without brackets and image size specification
|player= Your Player ID for Discord or wherever you're roleplaying
|name= Character's First Name or Title in case of a Ranked Officer
|fullname= Your Character's Full Name
|altname= In case of using also an Alias or Callsign
|race= Your character's race
|gender= Your character's gender
|height= Your character's height
|weight= I think this is for the weight of your character... Not sure...
|haircolor= If your character's hair color is black, blond, brown, etc. Leave blank if your character is bald
|eyecolor= Again, not sure, but I think this is for the eye color
|age= How old are your character?
|dob= When it was born?
|universe= From where your character came
|occ= Your current character's occupation
|org= In case of your character work for an organization
|figure= What is your character's Body Type? Skinny, fat, well toned, muscular... All types are welcome. Even robotic ones
|mainbg= Templates background color.
|mainborder= Templates border color.
|titletext= Template title color.
|titlebg= Title/header bg color.
|titleborder= Title/header border color.
|imagebg= Image section background color.
|headertext= Set color of inner headers text.
|headerbg= Set color of inner headers background.
|line= Horizontal line(s) color.
|nicknumbg= Character Fullname and Player Name Background Color.
|esbg= Set color of even rows.
|osbg= Set color of odd rows.
  • Note: The color customization should be set using hexadecimal format ONLY! If you need help, talk with one of the Wiki editors, like Cyclops or the creator of this template. LilacRTL.


Cmdr. Domnin
Victor Domnin
{{character box
|name=Cmdr. Domnin
|fullname=Victor Domnin
|haircolor=Dark Brown
|player=@[[User:LilacRTL|竜血液 - Ryū Ketsueki [LilacRTL]#1192]]
|dob=Stardate 22974.60 (December 22, 2345)
|eyecolor=Emerald Green
|weight=184 lbs
|figure=Big / Muscular
|org=[[Solas Tempus]]
|occ=Executive Officer and Temporal Operative of [[Blazing Umbra Station]]
|universe=Solas Tempus Universe
|birthplace=Arksis III ([[Arksis Star System]])