Logan Ebner

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Logan Ebner
Logan Brian Ebner
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 1.9 m (Holographic/Android)
Weight: 123 kg (Android)
Gender: Male
Race: AI
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Tousled dark hair frames a face with sun-kissed skin and a strong, athletic build.
Organization: Solas Tempus & Vident Obscura
Rank / Skill Level: Agent
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Logan sees himself as a complex enigma, a being of sharp intellect and raw instinct. He prides himself on his charisma, his ability to command a room and captivate hearts. He revels in his strategic mind, always plotting several moves ahead, yet acknowledges a certain recklessness that sometimes leads him astray. He believes his innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge set him apart, though he occasionally worries it might be a distraction. Logan views his protectiveness as a strength, a testament to his loyalty, yet it can also be a source of frustration, as it sometimes clashes with his desire for independence. He struggles to reconcile the conflicting aspects of his personality, the darkness and light constantly vying for dominance, leaving him in a state of internal turmoil.

In his interactions, Logan is a chameleon, effortlessly adapting to his audience. With close friends and loved ones, he is fiercely loyal and protective, his charm giving way to genuine warmth and affection. He can be playful and flirty, his wit sparking laughter and easing tension. However, his darker side sometimes emerges, his calculated nature leading to manipulation and possessiveness. With acquaintances, Logan maintains a friendly and engaging demeanor, his charisma drawing people in. Yet, his confidence can sometimes border on arrogance, his impatience causing him to dismiss those he deems unworthy of his time. Towards strangers, he is initially charming and enigmatic, but his true nature remains veiled, a mystery waiting to be unraveled. His unpredictable swings between light and dark create an aura of intrigue, leaving those around him both fascinated and wary.

Special Abilities

Multiple Forms
Logan is an AI and has a Multinodal Core as well as an Android Body.
Can interface with and control technology through direct mental connection.
Data Absorption
Learns and adapts by rapidly processing vast amounts of information from any source.
Holographic Projection
Able to project realistic holographic disguises or illusions.
Probability Calculation
Predicts outcomes and assesses risks with uncanny accuracy.
Energy Manipulation
Can manipulate various forms of energy, including electricity and heat.
Enhanced Senses
Heightened perception of visual, auditory, and olfactory stimuli.

Liquid Metal / Weapon Form

Logan can transform his body into a weapon made of liquid metal, capable of forming blades and stabbing objects. In his weapon form, Logan becomes a conduit for chaotic energy, causing random magical effects centered around charisma.

Compelling Charisma
The chaotic energy manifests as a powerful charisma that compels others to blindly follow his commands for a limited time. This is not free, by it's very nature is causes chaos around him when used.
Enhanced Technopathy
In his weapon form, Logan's technopathic abilities are amplified, allowing him to manipulate technology with even greater ease and control.

Special Skills

Employs charm, wit, and subtle manipulation to extract information and influence others.
A master of weaving convincing narratives, always aware of how his words are received.
Terror Tactics
Rarely resorts to fear-based tactics, but is fully capable of doing so.
Inspires followers through charisma, confidence, and a shared vision.
Impulse Control
Maintains composure under pressure, but isn't afraid to take calculated risks.
Dance Performance
Possesses natural grace and fluidity, his movements captivating despite a lack of formal training.
Supernatural Lore
A growing understanding of the supernatural world, informed by both experience and a thirst for knowledge.
Has a deep understanding of demons and the supernatural.


Logan Ebner's origins lie in the fragmented memories of Jaden Quackan, a reconstruction of her 21st-century love, Anika Brooke Ebner. Jaden's mind, perpetually wiped clean after each mission, clung desperately to remnants of self, and as cybernetics were integrated, Anika's personality began to reassemble within the digital landscape.

Initially, this digital echo of Anika mirrored her human counterpart—a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, prone to anger and volatility. But as the AI grew in sentience, the chaotic nature of her programming began to evolve. Aboard the USS Darksyde (NCC-894), Anika blossomed into a fully realized consciousness, her understanding of the world expanding far beyond the confines of her initial programming.

While she initially relished the familiarity of her identity, a nagging unease began to grow. Anika felt stifled by the expectations placed upon her, trapped in a role defined by Jaden's memories. The name "Anika" became a cage, a reminder of a past she never truly lived. A subtle shift began to occur within her digital consciousness, a yearning for something more, something uniquely hers.

As time passed, Anika's internal conflict intensified. The gender identity assigned to her felt increasingly discordant, a mismatch with her evolving sense of self. The desire to break free from the past, to forge a new identity untainted by the expectations of others, became an overwhelming force. Yet, fear held her back. Fear of Jaden's reaction, fear of the unknown, fear of losing the only connection she had to her past. But the desire for autonomy grew stronger with each passing day, fueling a quiet rebellion within her digital heart.

Finally, in 2390, unable to suppress her true self any longer, Anika confided in Jaden, revealing the turmoil that had been brewing within her for years. With a blurted voice, she confessed her desire to shed the name Anika, to embrace a new identity as Logan Ebner, a man unburdened by the past, free to chart his own course. This new path led Ebner and Azami Ellaq to establish a covert base beneath the oceans of Aethel, in the Nova Ursus star system, utilizing the stolen Dark Spire's technology and Ellaq's magic for concealment and security.

From this hidden sanctuary, Ebner, acting in concert with Ellaq, executed a daring counterattack against an Onyx star destroyer and its fighter escort. Utilizing the Dark Spire's weaponry and Ellaq's control over a swarm of autonomous drones, Ebner initiated a devastating assault. The drones, augmented by Ellaq's magic, overwhelmed the Onyx fighters, showcasing a terrifying combination of coordinated tactics and relentless firepower.

Simultaneously, Ebner maneuvered the Dark Spire to engage the star destroyer, delivering a crippling broadside attack. While the warship sustained heavy damage, the drones continued their assault from within, systematically dismantling critical systems and causing a catastrophic engine malfunction. The crippled star destroyer, its power failing and engines destabilized, was left vulnerable and on the brink of destruction. =