Therdeu Terminal

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Therdeu Terminal current prototype
An image taken at the moment of transport with the Therdeu Terminal

The Therdeu Terminal is a classified prototype developed for precise personal time travel and spatial transportation, utilizing advanced temporal displacement technology. Its operation, governed by a sophisticated interface including holographic and voice command systems, allows for controlled temporal navigation. Due to the inherent risks associated with time travel, such as phase misalignment and radiation exposure, the device is currently restricted to experimental use under strict supervision. Given its potential for significant impact on temporal integrity and security concerns, the Therdeu Terminal is subject to stringent security protocols. In scenarios where there is a risk of the device being compromised, immediate destruction is mandated to prevent its acquisition by unauthorized entities, ensuring the protection of temporal dynamics and maintaining operational security.

Possible Dangers

The Therdeu Terminal, currently in its early stages of practical testing, remains a prototype that embodies the cutting edge of personal time travel technology. Given the potential risks associated with its operation, including temporal disorientation, the possibility of becoming trapped in temporal loops, and the dangers of power overloads, phase misalignment, environmental disturbances, radiation exposure, and temporal isolation, it is imperative that the device is used with the utmost caution. At this juncture in its development, conventional time travel methods should continue to serve as the primary means of temporal transit. The Therdeu Terminal should be employed only under strictly controlled conditions, where its functionalities and safety protocols can be closely monitored and evaluated.

Temporal Disorientation
Users may experience significant disorientation or confusion from abrupt temporal and spatial changes, potentially impacting mental and physical health.
Temporal Loops
Inaccurate or unintended time travel could result in users becoming trapped in temporal loops, repeatedly experiencing a specific period or event.
Power Overload
The device's high energy demands could lead to system overloads, risking malfunctions or catastrophic failures.
Phase Misalignment
Improper phase alignment during time jumps might cause partial or incomplete materialization at the destination, endangering the user's physical well-being.
Environmental Disturbances
Operating the device could unintentionally affect the immediate environment, leading to spatial or temporal distortions with unpredictable consequences.
Radiation Exposure
Generating a temporal field and the associated energy emissions could expose users and bystanders to harmful levels of radiation.
Temporal Isolation
Malfunctions or miscalculations could leave a user stranded at an unintended time, potentially leading to isolation and survival challenges.

Operation and Effectiveness

The Therdeu Terminal's functionality is predicated on the creation of a microscopic temporal displacement field, giving rise to a temporal vortex within the device's specialized containment chamber. This intricate mechanism allows for the translocation of the user and the device itself across the space-time fabric. The vortex's operational window is constrained to a maximum duration of 0.529 seconds, beyond which the micro-vortex becomes unstable and must be dissipated to avert potential hazards.

For optimal operation and to ensure the stability of the transportation process, activation and subsequent transit should occur within a 200-millisecond timeframe. This stringent requirement is due to the brief existence of the stable phase of the micro-vortex, necessitating swift and precise action. Consequently, the device's control systems are locked to initiate the opening of the vortex and commence transportation in immediate succession, preventing any delay between these critical stages.

When utilized in conjunction with a Hermod Gate, the device can form a stable connection between its micro-vortex and the gate's wormhole, which significantly mitigates the variables of transit. However, this necessitates the device to generate a modified vortex that conforms to the wormhole's specifications. While travel to a Hermod Gate is within the device's operational capabilities, the gate itself must establish a full-sized wormhole to facilitate return travel, as the Therdeu Terminal is not designed to directly interface with incoming wormholes from a gate.

The device operates within the parameters of the Janus Coordinates system for space-time location but is confined to the user's current timeline. Attempting to navigate beyond these temporal bounds would demand a magnitude of power that the device's emitters are incapable of handling, likely leading to its destruction. Therefore, the device's use is limited to spatial relocations and short-range temporal jumps, where the power differential is minimal but nonetheless present. This ensures a measure of safety and reliability in the device's operation while delineating clear boundaries for its use.


The Therdeu Terminal integrates time travel capabilities with advanced communication functions, drawing upon the design principles of the Mark 5 Communicator to offer temporal displacement and instantaneous spatial transport. Its operation is facilitated through a user interface that employs holographic projections and voice commands, designed for ease of use and accessibility. A notable limitation of the device is its high power consumption, restricting its usage to one temporal jump within a 30-minute operational window, which imposes a significant constraint on its functionality. Additionally, the device's performance is optimized when used in conjunction with a Vertex Scanner, which serves as a control and diagnostics console, essential for real-time adjustments and monitoring of the system's status.

Temporal Displacement
The Therdeu Terminal enables precise time jumps to predetermined past or future points, ensuring safety and accuracy through its advanced technological components.
Subspace Communication
Maintaining high-speed, reliable data transmission across vast distances, the terminal uses subspace technology for seamless connectivity with other devices and networks.
Microwave Communication
Supporting high-bandwidth data transmission over short distances, this feature is ideal for terrestrial communication within urban environments or complex structures.
EM Radio Communication
The terminal utilizes electromagnetic radio frequencies for extended reach and reliable communication in various terrestrial settings, capable of penetrating obstacles.
UV Laser Pulse Communication
For secure and discreet communication, the terminal employs ultraviolet laser pulses, requiring direct line-of-sight but offering high-security transmission.
Advanced Authentication System
Featuring biometric scanning, voice recognition, and encrypted passcodes, the terminal provides high-security access, protecting against unauthorized use.
Holographic Interface System
Equipped with a sophisticated holographic interface, the terminal offers user-friendly control elements and detailed holograms for enhanced interaction.
Emergency Locator Beacon
In emergencies, the device can activate a locator beacon, prioritizing its signal for quick rescue or medical intervention to ensure user safety.
Emergency Temporal Reset
This crucial fail-safe mechanism allows the device to abort a time jump and safely return the user to their origin point in case of anomalies or malfunctions.


Encapsulated Computer Core (ECC)
The ECC is the central processing unit of the Therdeu Terminal, managing its algorithms, user interface, and overall operations. Its encapsulated design ensures robust protection against physical impacts and cybersecurity threats.
Temporal Field Generator (TFG)
This component is responsible for generating a contoured temporal field, crucial for safe and precise time travel, by tailoring the field to the user's spatial dimensions to minimize environmental disruptions.
Quantum Fusion Matrix (QFM)
An advanced power source, the QFM is an augmented Spacial Variance Reactor utilizing subspace particle fusion to extract power from zero-point energy within an isolated subspace domain, ensuring the terminal's high energy demands are met.
Omni-Environmental Shielding System (OESS)
The OESS protects the device, the user, and the surrounding environment from the potential hazards of temporal displacement, using advanced materials and shielding technologies.
Phase Alignment Regulator (PAR)
Essential for synchronizing the user with the target time-frame, the PAR ensures accurate and smooth transitions during time jumps, enhancing the terminal's precision.
Temporal Biometric Monitor (TBM)
This diagnostic tool monitors the user's physiological and psychological states during temporal displacement, providing essential safety data and ensuring the user's well-being.
Emergency Temporal Reset Mechanism (ETRM)
A critical fail-safe feature that enables the device to abort a time jump and safely return the user to their origin point in case of operational failures or risks.
Haptic Feedback Interface (HFI)
An intuitive user interface that provides tactile feedback to the user, facilitating easier control and interaction with the terminal's various functions.
Subspace Communication Link (SCL)
This feature allows for real-time communication across temporal and spatial distances, ensuring that the user can remain connected regardless of their temporal location.
Environmental Adaptation Matrix (EAM)
The EAM automatically adjusts the device's operations based on current environmental conditions, guaranteeing optimal performance in a variety of settings.
Temporal Integrity Field Stabilizer (TIFS)
This stabilizer maintains the stability of the temporal field during operations, preventing unwanted temporal distortions or anomalies that could impact the device's functionality.
Advanced Cooling System (ACS)
The ACS efficiently dissipates the heat generated by the device's operations, employing advanced cooling technologies to maintain safe operating temperatures and ensure device longevity.

Design History

The Therdeu Terminal's design history is a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation in the realm of temporal mechanics, inspired by the foundational work of the Time Displacement Engine (TDE) used by Section 31. The project's ambitious goal was to miniaturize and refine the principles of the TDE to create a personal, safe, and efficient time-travel device. This endeavor required a comprehensive approach, starting from theoretical research to practical application, through a series of prototyping stages, each building upon the insights and lessons from the previous.

Theoretical Stage (2371 to 2378)

During the theoretical stage of the Therdeu Terminal project, significant advancements were made possible by the contributions of three distinguished researchers, whose groundbreaking theories became the cornerstone of the entire endeavor. Dr. Elena Mirova proposed the "Mirova Quantum Chronodynamics Theory," which provided a novel framework for understanding the quantum underpinnings of time travel, particularly addressing the power requirements for initiating and sustaining temporal displacement within a miniaturized device. This theory became instrumental in defining the energy parameters essential for the Therdeu Terminal's operation.

Professor Aarav Singh, a material scientist, introduced the "Singh Temporal Stability Principle," which identified the characteristics of materials capable of withstanding the rigors of time travel. His work offered insights into the selection of durable yet flexible materials that ensured the device's structural integrity and functional reliability across various environmental conditions.

Lastly, theoretical physicist Dr. Lucien Baudouin developed the "Baudouin Precision Navigation Framework," which revolutionized the understanding of temporal accuracy and navigation. This framework laid the groundwork for the algorithms that would later enable precise control over the timing and destination of temporal jumps, ensuring the safety and reliability of the Therdeu Terminal's operations.

Practical Stage (2379 to 2384)

During the Practical phase of the Therdeu Terminal project, significant advancements were made in addressing the engineering challenges essential for developing the first prototypes. Captain Isabella Torres led the creation of the Temporal Contour Harmonizer (TCH), a device designed to generate a temporal field tailored to the user's spatial dimensions, crucial for localizing the effects of time travel and ensuring environmental safety. Concurrently, Captain Rajiv Singh's work on the Quantum Fusion Matrix (QFM) resolved the critical issue of providing a compact yet powerful energy source, integrating quantum fusion technology with high-density energy storage to meet the terminal's demanding power requirements.

In parallel, Captain Lena Zhou developed the Omni-Environmental Shielding Protocol (OESP), combining cutting-edge materials and shielding technologies to protect the device, its user, and the surrounding environment from the potential hazards of temporal displacement. Captain Marcus Winters introduced the Phase Alignment Regulator (PAR), a pivotal component for achieving precise synchronization with the target time-frame, thus ensuring the accuracy of time jumps.

Furthermore, the project saw the introduction of the Temporal Biometric Monitor (TBM) by Captain Naomi Harris, a diagnostic tool designed to monitor and analyze the physiological and psychological stresses on the user, providing critical data for safe operation. Lastly, the development of the Emergency Temporal Reset Protocol (ETRP) by Captain Alexei Petrov established a vital safety mechanism, enabling the device to safely abort a time jump and return the user to their origin point in case of any malfunctions or risks.

Early Prototyping Stage (2385 to 2386)

During the Early Prototyping phase, the project underwent a rapid cycle of construction, testing, and evaluation, marked by a series of prototypes each named after Greek nymphs, in keeping with the tradition of assigning mythological figures to pioneering projects. This stage was characterized by iterative building and rigorous testing to assess the practicality of the conceptual designs. Although each prototype encountered significant challenges, often resulting in catastrophic failures, these setbacks were instrumental in providing critical insights. The data gathered from each failed attempt was invaluable, feeding into the troubleshooting process and spurring further innovation. This period was foundational in refining the approach and techniques used, ultimately shaping the direction of future developments. Below is a summary of the prototypes from this phase, detailing their progression in size reduction and the nature of their failures, which, despite their severity, contributed essential feedback for subsequent iterations.

Year Code-Name Size (approx.) Reason for Failure
2385 Thalia 1.5m x 1.5m x 2m Uncontrolled temporal field expansion, caused lab damage
2385 Eurydice 1.2m x 1.2m x 1.8m Power surge led to critical system meltdown
2386 Calypso 1m x 1m x 1.6m Temporal dissonance, resulted in partial materialization
2386 Daphne 0.8m x 0.8m x 1.4m Environmental destabilization, severe atmospheric effects
2386 Nemesis 0.6m x 0.6m x 1.2m Phase misalignment, caused temporal fragmentation
2386 Melia 0.5m x 0.5m x 1m Near successful, minor spatial distortions observed
2386 Ianthe 0.45m x 0.45m x 0.9m Closest to success, slight temporal variance detected

Refined Prototyping Stage (2387 to 2389)

In the Refined Prototyping phase, the Therdeu Terminal underwent transformative development, shifting from the initial, larger prototypes to sleek, disk-shaped designs. This phase, spanning from 2387 to 2389, was characterized by rigorous iteration and meticulous fine-tuning, focusing on achieving the optimal form factor and operational efficiency envisioned for the final product. The continued tradition of naming each prototype after Greek nymphs underscored the iterative journey towards refining the device, with each version contributing to the project's cumulative knowledge and design evolution.

Significant advancements were made in miniaturizing components, enhancing material quality, and integrating user-centric features, reflecting a deep collaboration across various technical disciplines. Notably, the challenges encountered during this period were less about overcoming catastrophic failures and more about honing the device's functionality, safety, and reliability. Each prototype marked a step closer to realizing a practical, personal time-travel device, with improvements in design and technology that progressively reduced the size and increased the sophistication of the prototypes.

Year Code-Name Size (Diameter x Thickness) Progress and Outcomes
2387 Cyrene 40cm x 10cm Minor temporal distortions, manageable power fluctuations
2387 Thetis 35cm x 8cm Improved field stability, slight energy inefficiency
2387 Amalthea 30cm x 7cm Enhanced user interface, issues with phase alignment
2388 Echo 25cm x 6cm Refined energy management, minor shielding weaknesses
2388 Maia 20cm x 5cm Advanced diagnostics integration, slight navigational drift
2388 Metis 15cm x 4cm Near-complete feature set, fine-tuning of safety protocols
2389 Naiad 10cm x 3cm Successful integration of all features, minor calibration needed
2389 Kalypso 5cm x 2cm Optimal performance, with minimal adjustments required
2389 Io 41mm x 12.3mm Final prototype, achieving desired size and operational stability

By the end of this phase, the Therdeu Terminal had evolved into a compact, disk-shaped device, embodying the culmination of years of research, development, and collaborative innovation. This period was crucial in transitioning the terminal from a concept to a tangible, nearly field-ready device, setting a solid foundation for the subsequent testing and final adjustments.

Testing Stage (2390)

The testing phase marks a critical period in the Therdeu Terminal project, where the device undergoes rigorous field testing by select flag officers from Solas Tempus. This stage is essential for evaluating the terminal's performance under real-world conditions, ensuring the robustness of its safety protocols, and refining its operational features. The feedback obtained from these tests is pivotal for implementing final modifications and assessing the device's readiness for broader application.

An extensive series of tests, meticulously documented with specific dates, times, and conducted under the stringent ranks of the Navy's flag officers, provides a detailed account of the terminal's capabilities and areas for enhancement. These tests, systematically carried out by experienced personnel, not only validate the device's functionality and user safety but also contribute to its continuous improvement. Each session, carefully analyzed and acted upon, brings invaluable insights into the terminal's design and operational efficiency, driving forward the project's goal of achieving a reliable and user-friendly personal time-travel device.

Date & Time Officer Name Temporal Jump Duration of Test Test Notes
2390-03-15 08:30 Rear Admiral Julia Harper 2 hours 30 minutes Device stable. Slight disorientation reported; UI enhancements suggested.
2390-03-28 14:00 Vice Admiral Marcus Flynn 4 hours 45 minutes Interface improvements noted. Minor temporal misalignment; phase regulator adjusted.
2390-04-10 09:15 Admiral Nathan Pierce 5 hours 45 minutes Increased energy efficiency. Ergonomic adjustments made following user feedback.
2390-04-22 16:45 Rear Admiral Fiona Keller 8 hours 1 hour Phase alignment more precise. Reported slight energy surge; quantum matrix recalibrated.
2390-05-06 10:30 Vice Admiral Liam Grey 1 day 1 hour Notable user interface improvements. Minor navigational drift corrected.
2390-05-20 13:00 Admiral Sophia Torres 2 days 1.5 hours Significant jump accuracy. Slight variance in temporal field containment; shielding protocols updated.
2390-06-01 08:00 Rear Admiral Ethan James 3 days 2 hours Enhanced device stability and energy management. Fine-tuning of safety protocols conducted.
2390-06-15 11:45 Vice Admiral Charlotte Lee 4 days 2 hours Long-duration jump success. Interface streamlined further for enhanced operability.
2390-07-01 15:30 Admiral Ryan Brooks 5 days 2.5 hours Device performance optimal. Adjustments to temporal alignment yielded positive results.
2390-07-15 09:00 Rear Admiral Olivia Grant 6 days 2.5 hours Successful extended operation. Minor tweaks to energy consumption efficiency implemented.
2390-07-28 14:15 Vice Admiral Henry Wallace 1 week 3 hours Device demonstrated high reliability over extended use. User feedback led to minor ergonomic tweaks.
2390-08-10 10:20 Admiral Vanessa Chen 10 days 3.5 hours Enhanced precision in temporal jumps. Interface adjustments made for intuitive operation.
2390-08-25 16:00 Rear Admiral Lucas Bennett 2 weeks 4 hours Extended jump with high accuracy and stability. Final adjustments to user interface completed.
2390-09-05 08:45 Vice Admiral Mia Dawson 3 weeks 4.5 hours Device showcased optimal long-term performance. Slight calibration improvements for precision.
2390-09-20 12:30 Admiral Jack Morrison 1 month 5 hours Successful month-long temporal jump. Device's energy systems and safety protocols confirmed effective.