Anika Brooke Ebner

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Anika Brooke Ebner
Anika Brooke Ebner
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Roja
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 69 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human Hybrid
Age: 31
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Figure: Elfin and young, early appears to be in early 20's
Organization: United States Navy
Rank / Skill Level: Captain
Category: 3
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

Anika is in constant conflict with herself. She is quick to anger but equally quick to change in any direction at any time. On one side she deeply wants to be accepted for who she is but on the other sides she wants to see the world burn. She's angry all of the time, her mind is busy with thoughts she finds it very difficult to control. Disconnected often from empathy she is cold, erratic, and finds it difficult to form close relationships. On the surface she has learned to pretend to be a more normal person, in short interactions she can come off as fairly stable and even tempered, if a bit strange. Anika doesn't understand people very well, though she is very observant she is impatient and tends toward the dramatic. She loves attention but hates that in herself. Her mind is always racing and always changing but she has learned to find the stillpoint at the center of the vertigo of her thoughts where things are changing the least and stabilize herself.

To protect herself Anika tries to hold herself above everyone else, being aloof and even arrogant. She finds it comforting that this can deter others from seeking to know her better, while she wishes to be accepted she's also been hurt many times before, though none more than her own parents, especially her father. For Anika starting with her father, men in positions of power have always sought to control or use her. She doesn't trust men in general, it isn't that she hates them she just doesn't think they are capable of being honest with her. She acknowledges that others have different experiences and sometimes thinks it is her own fault for being so strange, erratic, and volatile. At other times this is a point of pride, being so chaotic that men cannot handle her. Anika is not much better with women, she is gay and prefers women but a history of short-term and often emotionally volatile relationships has taught her much the same with women as men. She strongly loves her mother but learned at a very young age that her mother has no love for her, only greed for power. On a very deep and personal level she is alone in the world.

Her lack of empathy often leads to her being unaware or uncaring of the plight of others, especially the pain of others has little meaning for her. She knows she should care but finds it difficult to fake it, the whims of her internal chaos make it difficult to organize her thoughts enough to fake caring for someone. This has also cost Anika many relationships with both men and women over the years, she feels betrayed by society and it fuels her anger. She has learned to use that anger to propel her forward and focus her mind. Anika is always at her most stable when she has a target for her anger, even if that target does not deserve it. She tends to enjoy hurting people, provoking conflicts and causing pain because she understands pain and anger well enough and it simplifies the world for her.

Special Skills

  • Interrogations (2B)
She specializes in the use of fear of the unknown and constructing false narratives to gain information and flip prospective sources.
  • Deception (3A)
She is an expert liar and has an uncanny ability to tell when her lies are raising suspicions.
  • Terror Tactics (3C)
Specializing in small-group terror tactics to destabilize group dynamics by inciting distrust.
  • Leadership (2B)
She uses a mix of inspirations of fear, emotional manipulations, and her natural charisma to help her lead.
  • Impulse Control (1B)
She has been specially trained in controlling her impulses.
  • Dance Performance
Anika enjoys dancing but does not have the patience to properly learn, her particular grace and skill with her body lend well to being beautifully graceful but her skill is lacking in any refined qualities, as promising as she is.
  • Knowledge of Supernatural Creatures, Artifacts, and Lore (1C)
Anika has been doing this for a while, she is not an expert on everything but tends to be an expert on those things she encounters in short order. The only issue is she tends to rely more on her anger and instincts rather than her knowledge.
  • Demonology (3A)
Due to her special nature, she has a keen knowledge of demons.

Special Abilities

Anika is part demon, this demonic nature pervades her psyche and fuels her powers. This gives her great strength and fuels her abilities to new heights. She is a highly powerful psionic who specializes in the detection and emotional manipulation of those around her. She can feel and understand emotions without empathizing.

  • Psionic (3B)
This includes significant use of almost the full range of psionic abilities at this skill level unless otherwise noted.
  • Emotional Manipulations (3A)
  • Pyrokinetic (2A)
She is exceptionally good at pyrokinesis and controlling fire, though she isn't as naturally attuned to the fire she is experienced and enjoys this almost as much as the emotional manipulations.
  • Hemokinetic (3B)
She can use her psionic abilities to manipulate and draw powerful energy from blood and the life force it carries.
  • Energy Drain (3C)
She is able to sap away the energy of others, especially their emotional energy of those around her which can send those around her into deep depressions. She is capable of draining other energy forms but she is untrained at doing so and it comes across naturally as instinct. The drained energy strengthens her but may make her more unstable if she absorbs particularly chaotic or angry energies from others it will make her self control more difficult.
  • Flight (2B)
Separate from her psionic abilities she has the innate ability to fly, something for which she has practiced extensively but comes more difficultly for her than some of her other abilities.
  • Ageless
She does not physically age beyond the age of 19.


Shadowforged Blade Abilities

The Shadowforged Blade
Darkness Channeling
This blade has the unique ability to channel energies from Dimmvidir, the shadow plane, draining light and various forms of energy upon striking. When it pierces the skin of its target and draws blood, it can siphon not only life force but also intangible elements like love and hope, leaving a trail of desolation in its wake.
Form Shifting
The wielder can command the blade to alter its form, adjusting its length, width, or curvature to adapt to the combat scenario, showcasing its versatile and mutable nature.
Black Flame
The Shadowforged Blade can imbue its strikes with elemental powers, especially those aligned with darkness and fire, enabling the wielder to execute devastating elemental attacks.
Blade of Shadow
Crafted from the very essence of shadows, the blade can be used to drain an opponent's energy without inflicting physical wounds. This property allows the wielder to weaken their foes subtly, sapping their strength and will to fight.
Soul Echo
The blade captures echoes of the souls it has vanquished, providing the wielder with fleeting glimpses into their memories and emotions, useful for purposes of interrogation or manipulation.
Psychic Resonance
It resonates with the wielder's psionic abilities, enhancing their power and effectiveness, particularly in the realms of mind control and emotional manipulation.
Blood Bond
The Shadowforged Blade forms a deep bond with its wielder, growing more potent in response to their emotional states, especially those fueled by darker emotions like anger or vengeance. This bond ensures that the blade reaches its full potential only when wielded by its true owner.


Her dress has regenerative abilities and can shapeshift into whatever clothing she needs.
Her coat has the ability to allow her to turn invisible and perform short-range / line of sight teleportation. The fabric can form into a coat or into a full cloak shifting to a cloak when the wearer brings out it's magical abilities.
Her boots give her superior agility, allowing her to react and move faster than others. The boots also offer a stabilizing force, which makes it easier for one to keep their feet while wearing them.

2023 Kawasaki Ninja H2

Anika's Magical Motorcycle

The 2023 Kawasaki Ninja H2 is characterized by its integration of a 998cc supercharged in-line four-cylinder engine and a suite of electronic rider aids, including Kawasaki Launch Control Mode, Cornering Management Function, and Traction Control. The motorcycle features a high-tensile steel trellis frame, aerodynamic bodywork, and a sophisticated suspension system, contributing to its stability and handling at high speeds. Advanced technologies such as Electronic Throttle Valves and Kawasaki's Intelligent anti-lock Brake System are also incorporated to enhance performance and safety. This model represents Kawasaki's commitment to combining high performance with advanced rider support technologies.

This bike has undergone a remarkable transformation through the integration of specialized components, bestowing it with extraordinary magical capabilities. This retrofitting process has not only enhanced its mechanical prowess but also imbued it with the ability to harness ethereal energies, allowing for supernatural speeds, phase shifting, and even flight.

Astral Acceleration
Achieves speeds up to 8 kilometers per second for rapid traversal across distances.
Phase Shifting
Can become invisible and intangible by transitioning into the Astral Plane, allowing it to bypass obstacles and remain undetected.
Curvature Navigation
Capable of adhering to the Earth's curvature for stable and controlled high-speed travel.
Gravitational Adjustment
Able to alter its gravitational orientation for vertical travel on surfaces deemed flat enough, or to fly briefly by nullifying its gravitational plane.
Magical Intelligence
Possesses a basic will and consciousness, akin to a pet or horse, enabling autonomous balance, navigation, and a responsive interaction with the rider, enhancing safety and the overall riding experience.


Anika's runic symbol is a mixture of the norse runes for fire, ice, and the god Ingwin. Her first encounter with this rune is when she bonds Jaden Quakan to herself in 2020 and see's her own run replace that of the demon who had transformed Jaden into a Tiefling. The rune is now burned into stomach of Jaden as well as Susan Morana Brennan's chest denoting her ownership of both women.

The rune itself holds power, being a form of Anika's true name which according to mythology could be used to potentially control the woman. Anika herself does not understand the depths of the magic the rune can bring but keeps it a closely guarded secret as to what the rune actually means.

Safe House in Chicago

Anika has a house she uses in Oak Lawn, IL that was purchased through shell corporations cira 2009 when property values were low. The house is a 2-story Victorian, 1495 sq. ft. of living area. The home has been renovated by the US military to contain a cache of weapons as well as other necessary equipment for covert operations. The house has 2 bedrooms and 1 full bath / 1 half bath and no garage. It does have a basement (not depicted below) which can also serve as a panic room and has its own ventilation as well as a generator for power.

The yard has surveillance equipment, including cameras and motion sensors. Government contracted gardeners and a maid service maintain the house as needed.


Her parents conceived her in rage and malice for each other, invoked into sexual interaction by forceful spells put upon them by runes which hurt them to even be near. This forceful use of such powerful magic twisted and solidified in the new life born of the union, the event itself has fueled Anika's inner rage. A deep anger and hate that was not helped by the rage of both of her parents who both felt they should raise the child. The male (whom was a full demon forced into human form) wanted his new daughter to become his consort, to and aid him in his efforts of conquest in the Severed Realm. Her mother wanted her daughter for similar reasons, to help her amass power and wealth in the human world. The pair fought constantly, which was stoked by their captors, when Anika reached puberty at around 9 years old, the staff of the installation where she was being held forced a conflict between the two parents and killed them both. They banished her father back to hell with powerful seals, humiliating the demon so he could never return and the woman they destroyed, sealing her demonic essence away and killing the human body.

Anika was lead to believe that the base personnel kept her safe all those years, it wasn't until she was 19 that she reached final maturity as a demon, she attacked her captors after years of lies and manipulations. As an adolescent she grew more powerful than they knew and realized their deception, but instead of balking against it she learned from it. Killing the team that held her, she then realized that she was trapped in the facility by the same runes which had trapped her parents for all those years. In trade for her freedom, she made a pact with the US Government, her service and skills in exchange for freedom from her cage. That, and they would let her kill and feed her taste for blood.

The only way for which the United States Government has found to control her is through the Seal of Hedone, which grounds her psychic energy allowing her to make more rational decisions. He insanity comes from the psychic turbulence caused by her picking up on the infernal energy given off by her strong demon half. Anika, however, is not a sociopath in a clinical sense, while very intelligence her control of herself is limited, which means on the scale she is closer to a high functioning psychopath. Although her mental state is far more complicated than that; she craves approval at times desiring to be the center of attention and gets violently angry when someone upstages her. At other times she displays an unusually brilliant amount of self control and composition, able to properly fade into the background and pull strings unseen. This fundamental conflict drives her motives and also gives her the appearance of being far more unstable than she actually is.

As her life progressed she found that she had an affinity for blood, she liked it, enjoyed the feel of it, the taste of it. She also found that she could draw power from it, use it, manipulate it. Everyone has their skills that they are good at, the things for which they excel. For her she excels are emotions, emotional control and manipulation. However, if one was to ask what she loved; it would be the blood. She was eventually assigned to the Draco Domus base near Miami Florida, her pension for dousing herself in the blood of her victims (and enemies) garnered her a nickname from the Cuban population; Roja. If one finds someone who is willing to talk, hard enough to do, one could easily hear a story of how she exploded a man and smeared his still-hot blood over her body, dripping it from his beating heart onto her skin, just before fighting a gang of vampires that was preying on military personnel. She destroyed then within minutes, moving faster than the eye could see. Some of the community who saw it with their own eyes, the ones she saved directly with this, call her Little Roja affectionately.

In 2020 she was stationed at a safe house in Chicago to investigate supernatural activities in the city. While there she met Jaden Quakan... Originally a man, a demon transformed him into an Tiefling woman. Finding herself in Anika's safe house the demon tries to claim and torture the girl. Anika was forced to attack the demon and in the banishing of the demon, her own mark was transferred to Jaden... She claimed the woman, in every way, making her into her own slave and pet. Within the first week, the pair amplified the passionate darkness which they both share. Anika and Jaden abducted a girl Susan Morana Brennan, claiming her too as a mutual slave, they kept her chained in the basement. Susan herself is part demon and lives with the women as their mutual servant. The strength of Anika and Jaden's power helps her control her own demonic nature.

Demon Form : Ag'drimuth

Demon Form
Transformed Height

Anika is not a fused human-demon, but rather it is in her very blood. Thus while the Seal of Hedone allows her some control of her demonic energies but they are always there. If she wishes she can call upon those energies and transform into her demon self, suppressing the far smaller human side. Once her humanity is suppressed she transforms, her skin turns a pale ghostly white and phantasmal wings spread out from her back, supported by bare bones like that of a bat and she grows in stature to about 5'9" tall, growing in weight and muscle mass significantly in the process.

The demon, Ag'drimuth, feeds on life force or the souls of those it captures. It holds an intense rage toward mortal life, fed from the rage of Anika herself.

Special Abilities

  • Inter-planar Travel (4C)
  • Dimensional Anchor (4C)