AOC Infused Containment System

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The AOC Infused Containment System, developed by Vident Obscura, represents a significant advancement in the secure storage and transportation of perilous Unexplained Artifacts. This versatile system can be tailored to specific needs, ranging from constructing specialized containers to securing entire rooms. Its core is fortified with an Aqua Opal Crystal-infused tritanium alloy, ensuring enhanced resistance to both magical and psionic energies. Once activated, the system establishes a gravitationally neutral environment, effectively dampening inertial forces. Its six shield generators, channeled through AOC crystal emitters, project interwoven fields that reflect or dampen intrusive energies. A standout feature is the creation of a self-contained subspace bubble, which places the system's interior out of phase with conventional space-time. This artificial space-time zone further bolsters the containment capabilities. While the system is designed for optimal performance, it is not impervious. Some radiant energies may escape, making it essential for artifacts to be eventually placed in The Vault for long-term security. This containment system is a testament to Vident Obscura's commitment to ensuring the safe handling of potent artifacts.

Power Source

The containment system's efficacy and reliability are underpinned by its dual Spacial Variance Reactor (SVR) cores. These reactors, designated as primary and secondary, are intricately designed to harness the unique properties of verteron particles transitioning between subspace layers.

Primary SVR Core

The primary SVR core serves as the main power source for the containment system. It operates continuously, ensuring that the system remains active and functional at all times. The core's accelerator coils are optimized for sustained energy output, drawing verteron particles from subspace and converting the resultant subspace disturbances into usable power. This continuous power generation ensures that the containment system can securely hold even the most potent anomalies without interruption.

Secondary SVR Core

Acting as a backup, the secondary SVR core is designed to kick in during situations where the primary core might be compromised or requires maintenance. It possesses a rapid activation mechanism, ensuring that there's no power lapse between the primary core going offline and the secondary core taking over. While it mirrors the primary core in functionality, it also has enhanced energy storage capabilities. This allows the secondary core to store excess energy generated during periods of low containment system activity, which can then be utilized during high-demand scenarios.


The dual SVR cores operate in tandem, ensuring uninterrupted power supply to the containment system. Their synchronized operation allows for seamless transitions between the cores, guaranteeing that the containment system remains powered even under challenging conditions. The cores' design also incorporates safety mechanisms to prevent subspace layer disturbances, ensuring that they do not operate too closely and risk forming micro-rifts in space-time.

Maintenance and Longevity

Given the critical role of the SVR cores in powering the containment system, they are built with longevity in mind. Regular maintenance schedules are established to ensure that both cores remain in optimal condition. Advanced diagnostics continuously monitor the cores' performance, flagging any potential issues for timely intervention.


Tritanium Alloy Frame
Provides durability and resistance.
Aqua Opal Crystal Infused Lining
Enhances resistance to psionic and magical energies.
Interlaced Shielding
Prevents energy escape or penetration.
Subspace Bubble Generator
Creates a self-contained subspace environment.
Adaptive Algorithms
Allows self-adjustment based on the anomaly's nature.
AOC Crystal Emitters
Channel energy for dampening or reflecting energies.
Gravitational Neutralizer
Establishes a gravitationally neutral environment.
Kinetic Energy Stabilizers
Neutralizes kinetic energy produced by shockwaves.
Inertial Dampeners
Dampens inertial forces for stability.
Temporal Stabilizers
Prevents time-altering effects.
Videns Autem Magia Detectors
Utilizes the unique properties of the Videns Autem Magia gemstone to detect and respond to magical and psionic energies.
Central Control Unit
Processes data and makes real-time adjustments.
Emergency Shutdown Protocols
For immediate shutdown and security.
Backup Power Generators
Ensures continuous operation.
Neurotoxic Atmosphere Capability
Introduces a neurotoxic atmosphere for added security.

Design History

In the development history of the containment system from 2371 to 2381, Solas Tempus initiated the project, aiming to devise a reliable containment mechanism for unexplained artifacts. However, the project faced significant challenges, including catastrophic failures in Era 2, such as the incidents with the "Chrono Shard" and the "Mind's Echo." By Era 3, while the failures became less severe, issues like the "Luminous Prism" and "Harmonic Resonator" incidents still persisted. It was only in Era 4 that substantial progress was made, culminating in the successful containment of the complex "Nexus Orb" in 2381, marking the system's readiness for finalization after a decade of rigorous research and refinement.

Initial Prototyping (2371 - 2373)

Solas Tempus embarked on the ambitious project of developing a prototype containment system. The primary focus was on understanding the nature of the anomalies and devising a containment mechanism that could safely secure them. Initial designs were rudimentary, relying heavily on existing technologies and materials. While these early models showed promise, they were far from being reliable. Numerous tests revealed inconsistencies in containment, and the system was prone to malfunctions when exposed to stronger anomalies.

Refinement and Specialization (2373 - 2376)

With the formation of Vident Obscura in 2375, the project was transferred to this new organization, bringing a fresh perspective and approach. The focus shifted from broad containment solutions to specialized systems tailored to specific types of anomalies. Advanced materials, including the preliminary versions of the Aqua Opal Crystal infused tritanium alloy, were introduced. By the end of this era, the containment system had improved significantly, but issues with scalability and adaptability to diverse anomalies persisted.

With the project now under the purview of Vident Obscura, there was a concentrated effort to specialize the containment system for specific types of anomalies. While there were significant advancements, this era also witnessed some notable failures:

Prototype Incident Alpha-2374
In an attempt to contain a temporal artifact known as the "Chrono Shard," the containment system was modified to resist time-altering effects. However, during a test in 2374, the prototype failed to account for the shard's ability to fracture time. This resulted in a temporal loop within the facility, causing the same catastrophic explosion to replay continuously for three hours. The loop was eventually broken by external intervention, but the facility suffered extensive damage, and several researchers experienced severe temporal disorientation.
Prototype Incident Beta-2375
Later in 2375, another prototype was developed to contain a psionic artifact named the "Mind's Echo." This artifact had the capability to amplify and broadcast the thoughts and emotions of individuals in its vicinity. During containment tests, the prototype's shielding malfunctioned, leading to an uncontrolled amplification of the artifact's effects. Researchers and security personnel within a five-mile radius were overwhelmed by a cacophony of thoughts and emotions, leading to widespread panic and several injuries. The artifact was eventually neutralized, but the incident underscored the challenges of containing such powerful items.

Advanced Integration (2376 - 2379)

This era marked a significant shift in the development approach. Vident Obscura started integrating advanced technologies, including subspace bubble generation and interlaced shielding. The containment system began to show potential in handling both psionic and magical energies. Collaborations with external research teams led to the introduction of adaptive algorithms that allowed the system to self-adjust based on the nature of the anomaly. However, while the system became more versatile, it still struggled with containing highly volatile or powerful anomalies for extended periods. While there were significant strides made in the system's capabilities, it was not without its challenges. Here are two less severe but notable failures during this era:

Prototype Incident Gamma-2377
In 2377, a prototype was tested with an artifact known as the "Luminous Prism," which emitted a soft, continuous light believed to be sourced from another dimension. The containment system, equipped with advanced interlaced shielding, was expected to block out the light completely. However, during testing, not only did the light penetrate the shields, but it also fluctuated in intensity, causing temporary blindness in several researchers. While no permanent harm was done, the incident highlighted the need for better adaptive shielding against multidimensional energies.
Prototype Incident Delta-2378
The following year, a prototype was designed to contain the "Harmonic Resonator," an artifact that emitted sound frequencies resonating with specific materials. The containment system incorporated advanced sound-dampening technologies. During a test, instead of dampening the sound, the prototype unexpectedly amplified certain frequencies. This caused minor structural damage to the facility and a temporary loss of hearing in some staff members present during the test. The incident emphasized the importance of understanding the intricate interactions between the artifact's emissions and the containment materials.

Finalization and Perfection (2379 - 2381)

The culmination of a decade of research and development, this era was characterized by rigorous testing, refinements, and optimizations. The containment system underwent multiple redesigns, each iteration addressing the shortcomings of the previous one. By integrating feedback from field tests and leveraging the expertise of both Solas Tempus and Vident Obscura, the containment system reached its pinnacle of development. In 2381, after rigorous validation and field tests, the prototype was finalized, marking the birth of a reliable and efficient containment system capable of handling a wide range of anomalies. As the containment system approached its final stages of development, the failures became less severe, reflecting the progress made over the years. Here are two minor failures and a significant success from this era:

Prototype Incident Epsilon-2379
In 2379, a prototype was tested with a small artifact known as the "Whispering Stone," which emitted faint, indecipherable whispers. The containment system was designed to completely mute these whispers. However, during testing, while the whispers were significantly reduced, they were not entirely muted. Some researchers reported hearing faint murmurs when in close proximity to the containment system. This incident, while minor, highlighted the need for further refinement in sound isolation.
Prototype Incident Zeta-2380
In 2380, another prototype was tested with the "Temporal Compass," an artifact that always pointed to a specific moment in the future. The containment system was designed to neutralize its temporal pointing ability. While the compass did not point to its usual future moment, it sporadically pointed to random directions, indicating a partial neutralization. This minor glitch was noted for further refinement.
Success Alpha-2381
Marking a significant milestone in 2381, a prototype was successfully tested with the "Nexus Orb," a complex artifact known to bridge multiple realities. The containment system, leveraging all the advancements from previous eras, not only contained the orb but also managed to stabilize its bridging effect, preventing any unintended reality overlaps.