Enkishtar Utanzu

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 22:57, 2 November 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Enkishtar Utanzu is a large, crystalline sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.5 meters. Its surface, while dormant, gleams with a translucent sheen, revealing intricate, cloud-like inclusions that capture light in delicate patterns, casting prismatic reflections. Enkishtar Utanzu, a relic from the ancient times of Sumer, holds the power to traverse the myriad paths of existence. Crafted by the revered seer Enlil-kidinni at the behest of King Ur-Nammu, this arti...")
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The Enkishtar Utanzu is a large, crystalline sphere with a diameter of approximately 1.5 meters. Its surface, while dormant, gleams with a translucent sheen, revealing intricate, cloud-like inclusions that capture light in delicate patterns, casting prismatic reflections.

Enkishtar Utanzu, a relic from the ancient times of Sumer, holds the power to traverse the myriad paths of existence. Crafted by the revered seer Enlil-kidinni at the behest of King Ur-Nammu, this artifact embodies the convergence of countless realities, timelines, and dimensions. Its crystalline form, reminiscent of the multifaceted nature of existence, becomes a liquid silver mirror upon activation, reflecting not just the physical world but the infinite possibilities of the cosmos. However, its power is not without peril. The sphere draws chaos from the interstices of realities, and those who gaze too deeply risk being ensnared by this chaos, their minds wandering lost in the maelstrom of the orb's depths. Yet, for those with the strength and mastery to navigate its challenges, the rewards are unparalleled: glimpses of alternate realities, insights into the past, present, and potential futures, and even the amplification of one's own magical or psionic abilities. But with every use, the artifact absorbs more chaos, and if not carefully managed, it could become a fissure in reality itself.

Physical Properties

Enkishtar Utanzu, in its dormant state, resembles a crystalline orb, its surface gleaming with a translucent sheen that reveals intricate, cloud-like inclusions within. Its multifaceted texture captures light in delicate patterns, casting prismatic reflections that dance with muted hues of blue and green. The orb's cool, glassy touch is accompanied by a faint, almost imperceptible hum, reminiscent of distant whispers from other realities. However, upon activation, this artifact undergoes a mesmerizing transformation. Its crystalline exterior becomes luminous, evolving into a sphere of perfectly reflective liquid silver. This flawless mirror-like surface captures and reflects light with an otherworldly brilliance, offering reflections imbued with an ethereal quality.

Special Abilities

Enkishtar Utanzu, the ancient artifact of Sumer, serves as a window into the myriad tapestries of existence. It unveils hidden dimensions and untold stories, revealing moments that span the vast expanse of time. This orb can bridge distant realms, though such journeys come with inherent perils. Deep sentiments of those nearby resonate and amplify within its core, and those who interact with it find their own mystical powers magnified. However, mastery is challenged by the chaos it draws from the spaces between realities. Its surface, reminiscent of a polished mirror, reflects not just the tangible world but the infinite possibilities of every event. To harness its full potential, one must navigate the encroaching darkness and the countless outcomes it presents.

Reality Glimpse
Allows the user to peer into alternate realities, timelines, and dimensions, revealing unwritten tales and unseen worlds.
Temporal Vision
Grants the ability to witness moments from the past, present, and potential futures, unfolding the tapestry of time.
Dimensional Conduit
Serves as a portal, enabling travel or communication across different planes of existence, though with inherent risks.
Emotion Resonance
The orb reacts to the emotions of those around it, amplifying or reflecting their innermost feelings and desires.
Power Amplification
After use, the magical or psionic abilities of the user are enhanced, with the degree of amplification proportional to their mastery over the orb's inherent chaos.
Chaos Absorption
The orb draws in and contains the chaos from between realities, which can taint its essence over time but provide a shield against chaos as well.
Cosmic Reflection
Its surface, reminiscent of a polished mirror, reflects not just the physical but the myriad possibilities of existence.


To harness the profound capabilities of Enkishtar Utanzu, one must enter a Trance State. This is not merely a deep meditation but a complete surrender of the conscious mind, allowing the subconscious to become the primary navigator. As the user's awareness melds with the artifact, they begin to perceive the infinite mirrors within, each reflecting a different facet of reality.

With utmost delicacy, the user, while in this Trance State, can manipulate the sphere, turning it ever so slightly, akin to tuning a delicate instrument. Each minute movement shifts the alignment of the mirrors, revealing a new path, a different outcome, or an alternate world. The user's intent, combined with the subtle manipulation of the orb, allows them to traverse the myriad possibilities.

However, this journey is not without its perils. The Enkishtar Utanzu is a reservoir of immense power, and if it absorbs too much energy or if the user's control wavers, the consequences can be catastrophic. The artifact may fold in upon itself, creating a volatile fissure in the very fabric of reality. This chaotic rift would ensnare anyone in contact with the sphere, causing them to drift uncontrollably from one reality to the next. The experience would be a maelstrom of emotions, dominated by fear and dark, chaos-driven outcomes.


To quiet the artifact and render it dormant, a delicate and intricate process must be undertaken. Two opposing elemental forces must be harnessed and brought into equilibrium. For instance, the raging tempest of Fire and the tranquil depths of Water, when combined, can be harmonized through the mastery of Ice Magic. This melding is not a mere fusion but a dance of balance, where neither element dominates the other, but both exist in a state of perfect harmony.

However, the harmonization of these elements is only the beginning. The true challenge lies in channeling this balanced energy into the construction of sacred non-euclidean geometric patterns. These patterns, derived from ancient knowledge, are not merely physical constructs but folds in reality itself. Crafting them requires not just magical prowess but a deep understanding of the fabric of existence.

By channeling the harmonized elemental energy through these geometric constructs, a practitioner can manipulate the artifact's infinite mirrors. This process involves delicately folding and misaligning the mirrors within the chaotic realm, disrupting their synchronicity. As these mirrors become misaligned, the continuous feed of energy that sustains the sphere is interrupted. This break in energy flow effectively silences the artifact, causing its vast potential to lie dormant, awaiting a time when it might be reawakened and realigned.


In the ageless dawn, when the rivers serenaded Sumer's soil, the mighty Ur-Nammu reigned, his wisdom vast, yet his spirit yearned. He dreamt of peering into the cosmos's veiled corners, of witnessing tales untold. In his quest, he summoned the esteemed Enlil-kidinni, the seer whose voice could command the winds and whose eyes unveiled mysteries. Entrusted with the king's plea, Enlil-kidinni, under the canopy of the primordial heavens, whispered ancient chants to a mirror, breaking it not with might but with magic, birthing infinite reflections. Each shard, an echo of the original, intertwined in a dance of boundless realms, like the Tigris and Euphrates merging in cosmic confluence. Yet, the creation's core hungered for a soul. Stealthily, the seer ventured to Nanshe, the guardian of sacred waters, and from her essence stole a spark, the heartbeat of the universe. With this divine flame, Enlil-kidinni fused the fragments into a radiant sphere, giving birth to Enkishtar Utanzu.

But the heavens are ever-watchful, and the tapestry of fate is intricately woven. Nanshe, with eyes that mirrored the vast oceans, perceived the audacity of the seer. In her ire, she cast a shadow upon Enkishtar Utanzu, a darkness as profound as the abyss where Tiamat once dwelled. "Whosoever dares to peer into its heart," she intoned with the weight of the cosmos, "shall be ensnared by the tumultuous chaos betwixt realms, like a ship lost amidst the tempest's fury. Their spirit shall wander, adrift in the maelstrom of the orb's unfathomable depths, echoing the chaos of creation's dawn."