Solar Nomad (CV-4721-XG9-PL83)

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Solar Nomad
Solar Nomad (CV-4721-XG9-PL83)
Class: Kestrel Class Starship
Affiliation: Independent
Commanding Officer: Lance Thomas
MSAI: Luna Rayne

The Solar Nomad, under the ownership of Lance Thomas, is a vessel of contrasts. On one hand, it serves as a luxurious private cruiser, whisking Lance away to the farthest reaches of the galaxy for leisure and relaxation. Its interiors are tailored to his tastes, offering comfort and opulence that rival any starship in the Federation. Yet, the Solar Nomad is not just a pleasure craft. Its history is steeped in covert operations, many of which remain off-the-books, known only to a select few. From clandestine intelligence-gathering missions to high-stakes tactical maneuvers, the ship has seen and done it all. Complementing its diverse roles is the ship's advanced AI system. This AI, having been a witness to every mission and every journey, possesses a wealth of experience. It has navigated nebulous star clusters, evaded hostile fleets, and even engaged in complex diplomatic negotiations.

Special Capabilities

Throughout its storied history, each owner of the Solar Nomad sought to enhance its capabilities to suit their unique needs. Early in its life as a courier vessel, the first significant modification was to the Cargo Hold, ensuring secure and efficient storage for sensitive and valuable cargo. As the ship transitioned to more perilous routes, the next owner saw the need for greater firepower, integrating two ventral Anti-Proton Cannons to bolster its defenses. As the Solar Nomad's reputation grew, its subsequent owner, recognizing the importance of clear and far-reaching communication, installed an Advanced Communication Array. This was soon followed by an upgrade to the Warp Drive, pushing the vessel's speed capabilities to new limits, ensuring timely deliveries and rapid responses. The ship's evolution continued with the addition of a Cybernetic Interface by a tech-savvy owner, streamlining control and enhancing the piloting experience. However, it was under Lance Thomas's ownership that the Solar Nomad saw its most transformative changes. Lance, with his vast resources and connections, added the Omni-Phasic Deflector Matrix for unparalleled defense. Recognizing the strategic advantages of stealth and adaptability, he also integrated a state-of-the-art Phasing Cloak. Lastly, given his experiences with temporal anomalies, Lance saw it prudent to equip the ship with Temporal Shielding, ensuring its safety across both space and time.

Increased range, higher resolution, and lower detection threshold
  • [[Omni-Phasic Deflector Matrix]
  • Anti-Proton Cannons (2 Ventral)
  • Temporal Shielding
  • Cybernetic Interface
  • Cargo Hold Modifications
Secure and shielded compartments for sensitive cargo
  • Personalized AI System
  • Energy Manipulation Systems
Offensive weapon which uses Lance's Solar Crystal ring


The Solar Nomad was constructed in 2360 by Galactic Shipyards Inc. as a civilian vessel, designed primarily for courier duties within Federation space. Initially commissioned by Starway Enterprises, it soon found its way to Nexus Space Logistics due to a lucrative contract. Over the next two years, the ship changed hands multiple times among various businesses, including Interstellar Transports Ltd. and Voyager Cargo Services, serving as a reliable courier vessel. In 2362, after a brief stint with Orion Freight Services, the Solar Nomad was acquired by the Federation and repurposed as a civilian transport vessel. This transition, facilitated by Federation Trade and Transport, marked a shift in its primary duties, transporting both personnel and cargo between Federation planets and outposts.

Notable Events (2362-2375)

Year Owner Event Description
2364 Stellar Dynamics Corp. Rescue Operation The Solar Nomad played a crucial role in a rescue operation near the Romulan Neutral Zone. The ship successfully evacuated Federation scientists from a research outpost that came under threat from a nearby supernova.
2367 Orion Freight Services Diplomatic Mission The vessel was temporarily commissioned to transport Federation diplomats to a peace summit with the Cardassian Union. The mission was successful, and the Solar Nomad received commendations for its role.
2370 Celestial Cargo Ltd. Medical Aid The Solar Nomad was dispatched to deliver medical supplies to a planet suffering from a viral outbreak. The timely delivery of the supplies played a pivotal role in containing the outbreak and saving countless lives.
2372 Nebula Navigations Co. Caught in a Crossfire While transporting civilians from a border colony, the Solar Nomad was inadvertently caught in a skirmish between the Federation and the Dominion. The ship sustained minor damage but managed to escape without any casualties.
2374 Quantum Couriers Inc. Covert Intelligence Gathering Unknown to many, the Solar Nomad was temporarily used by Starfleet Intelligence for covert operations. The ship's small size and speed made it ideal for gathering intel in contested regions.

Downfall and Impoundment (2375-2377)

By 2375, the Solar Nomad had fallen into the hands of a series of less reputable owners. Its operations began to shift from legitimate transport duties to more clandestine activities. By 2377, the ship was heavily involved in smuggling operations, transporting illegal goods and contraband across Federation space. Starfleet Intelligence, having kept tabs on the vessel due to its previous involvement in covert operations, eventually caught wind of its illicit activities. In a coordinated sting operation, the Solar Nomad was intercepted and impounded for its involvement in smuggling.

Certainly, Mr. Hagar. Here's the augmented section about the Solar Nomad's acquisition by Lance Thomas:

Acquisition by Lance Thomas

In 2378, the Solar Nomad caught the attention of Lance Thomas. Lance, known for his association with Solas Tempus and his role as a Temporal Operative, saw potential in the Solar Nomad for his personal endeavors. In a rather unconventional transaction, Lance acquired the Solar Nomad in exchange for three cases of Romulan Ale and a case of Klingon Aphrodisiacs. This under-the-table deal was facilitated through intermediaries, ensuring that the specifics of the transaction remained discreet. Under Lance's ownership, the Solar Nomad underwent several modifications to suit his specific needs, reflecting his background in covert operations and personal endeavors.