
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 04:09, 3 October 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (→‎Special Abilities)
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Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Lyth
Height: 3' (Nose to Tail)
4'2" (Human)
Gender: Female
Figure: Iridescent Cobalt Scales / 2' Tail / 2'9" Wings
Occupation: Jael Ershu's Familiar
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria
Human Form

Ellyth (pronounced /ˈiːl̩ɪlθ/) or simply Lyth (pronounced /'lɪθ/) is a mix of pseudrodragon and blue dragon. She is 3' from nose to tail and very intelligent. She's a bit of a prankster and doesn't take much seriously, except if her friends are in trouble where she can be absolutely fierce. Ellyth is a lovable person that can be a bit touchy-feely, touch is how she really communicates her feelings for a person. Still, she has good things, an intelligence beyond her years and being unflinching in the face of even the most traumatic danger. She's a bit big-headed and thinks very highly of herself and can be really bad mannered at times, she's also perceptive and often inspired. She's very perceptive and has learned to be flexible in how she see's the world. When the chips are down her fun-loving attitude slides into a grave seriousness that some find ways to be afraid of. With all of that, can be a wild, craving danger and adventure and bucks against rules and structure just for the sheer joy of doing so.

Special Abilities

  • Claw / Wing Attack
The tips of her wings and her tail is barbed
  • Bond as a Familiar to Jael
This includes an empathic link and telepathy
  • Shapeshifting
Has the ability to shift into a human form
  • Cold Blast
Breath weapon, a blast of cold as either a bolt or a short beam that freezes anything it touches with searing intense cold.

Human Form

Ellyth has the ability to shapeshifter into a human-like form. Due to her size, her human form is very petite and only 4'5" tall and thus appears like a bit of a child. Except her figure in this form is more mature, lacking the androgynous outline of a child. Still, looking at her would just make someone think she's taller, it does not look absurd just a bit strange.

Special Skills

  • Diplomacy
  • Perceptive
  • Advance Flight
  • Combat in Flight


Many of her family have called her a 'halfbreed', a term she absolutely hates. She never met her father and her mother would never say much about whoever he was. She knows it was her father who was a full blue dragon, but that is all she knows about him. Being an outcast she quickly started to travel the world alone, going from place to place and staying ahead of anyone who might want to cause her trouble. She spent several years like this, wandering.

Then in the woods one day she met someone who looked beautiful and graceful and had something about her that was enticing -- made her want to meet the woman. It turns out this woman, Jael Ershu, also had dragon blood lines, to a Blue Dragon no less! Jael didn't seem to care much about all the things her family cared so much about like blood lines at the sort. The pair started to travel together, but eventually one of their adventures had unique demands, the only way out of the situation would be for Jael to be in two places at once. Jael had the idea to bond as her familiar, then she could see through Ellyth's eyes.

If it had not been for the dangerous situation they were in, Ellyth probably would have said no. Yet she trusted Jael and the situation was dire -- they were out of options. Ellyth agreed and was bonded to Jael as a familiar. Since then, she has not regretted that choice, finding Jael to be the best friend she's ever had.