Lyria Knossos

From Solas Tempus DB
Lyria Knossos
Lyria of the Temple Knossos
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 110 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Date of Birth: 5th day of Poseideon in the 18th year of King Katreus
June 4th, 2202 BCE
Place of Birth: Island of Crete
Eye Color: Grey-Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Occupation: Mistress of Los Angeles
Rank / Skill Level: Mistress
Status: NPC

Lyria Knossos embodies the essence of chaos, driven by an insatiable desire for freedom and liberation. This yearning, which led her to the dark embrace of vampirism, manifests in her unpredictable and impulsive actions. She thrives in the spotlight, often resorting to dramatic gestures or seductive behaviors to ensure she remains the center of attention. Her interactions are characterized by rapidly shifting emotions, a need for approval, and a sensitivity to criticism. While she forms intense bonds, they often lack depth, with Lyria frequently overestimating the intimacy of her relationships.

Beneath this tumultuous facade, however, Lyria is deeply connected to the divine and arcane realms. Her chaotic tendencies are counterbalanced by her profound spiritual insights and mastery over ancient magics. This duality—her attention-seeking behaviors juxtaposed against her spiritual depth—renders her a complex and enigmatic figure, captivating all who cross her path in the supernatural world.

Special Abilities

Lyria Knossos possesses a unique blend of divine and arcane abilities. She channels the energies of ancient deities, amplifying her vampiric prowess and offering protection or healing. Her bond with the Dark Aether grants her the power to craft shields, portals, and weapons, while also sensing disturbances within this ethereal realm. Her priestess lineage has bestowed upon her a sacred song, enabling her voice to cast enchantments or communicate with spirits. Adept in ritualistic magic, she can summon entities and alter reality using sacred symbols. Lyria's astral projection skill allows her spirit to roam different planes, gathering intel or liaising with ethereal beings. Her sacred sight, a gift from her ancestors, pierces illusions and foresees the future. Lastly, her resonance with the Dark Aether not only amplifies her magic but also unveils hidden beings connected to this realm.

Divine Channeling
Lyria can tap into the energies of ancient deities, invoking their powers for protection, healing, or wrath. This connection allows her to harness divine energy, amplifying her vampiric abilities.
Aether Manipulation
With her special bond to the Dark Aether, Lyria can manipulate this ethereal energy to create shields, portals, or even weapons. This connection also allows her to sense disturbances in the Aether, alerting her to potential threats or significant events.
Sacred Song
Drawing from her priestess training, Lyria's voice can weave spells of enchantment, seduction, or even paralysis. Her melodies can also be used to communicate with spirits or soothe restless souls.
Ritualistic Magic
Lyria is adept at performing ancient rituals that can summon entities, bind spirits, or even alter the fabric of reality. Her knowledge of sacred symbols and incantations makes her a formidable sorceress.
Astral Projection
Lyria can separate her spirit from her physical body, allowing her to traverse different planes of existence or spy on distant locations. This ability is particularly useful for gathering information or communicating with otherworldly beings.
Sacred Sight
Her eyes can pierce through illusions, see hidden magical auras, or even glimpse into the future. This sight is a gift from her priestess lineage, further enhanced by her vampiric nature.
Dark Aether Resonance
Lyria can resonate with the Dark Aether to amplify her magical abilities, drawing power directly from this mysterious realm. This resonance also allows her to detect other beings connected to the Dark Aether, making it difficult for them to hide from her.

Special Skills

Lyria Knossos, a master of arcane arts, boasts an encyclopedic knowledge of magic spanning diverse cultures and epochs. Trained as a high priestess and enriched by centuries of exploration, she's adept in ancient divine rituals, seamlessly blending practices from various traditions into potent ceremonies. Fluent in numerous languages, she deciphers age-old texts and bridges the mortal and divine realms as a spiritual mediator. Her grasp of the universe's harmonics lets her manipulate ley lines and energy vortexes, amplifying her spells. A collector of magical artifacts, she wields relics with unmatched expertise, and her memories serve as a chronicle of divine evolution.

Master of Arcane Arts
Lyria possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of magical arts from various cultures and epochs. From elemental spells to complex enchantments, she is adept at casting and countering a vast array of magical techniques.
Ancient Divine Rites Expert
Trained as a high priestess and furthering her knowledge throughout eternity, Lyria is proficient in the most ancient and sacred of divine rituals. She can invoke deities, channel divine energies, and perform ceremonies that few others even know of.
Cultural Magic Expert
Throughout her immortal life, Lyria has traveled extensively, studying the magical practices of diverse cultures. From the shamanistic rituals of indigenous tribes to the arcane arts of ancient civilizations, she has assimilated a vast repertoire of magical knowledge.
Linguistic Prodigy
Lyria can speak, read, and write multiple ancient and modern languages fluently. This skill aids her in deciphering old texts, incantations, and communicating with beings from different eras and regions.
Spiritual Mediator
With her deep connection to the divine, Lyria can mediate between the mortal realm and the divine, summoning spirits, ancestors, or even deities for counsel or favors.
Ethereal Harmonist
Lyria's understanding of the harmonics of the universe allows her to tap into ley lines, energy vortexes, and other power points, amplifying her magical abilities or even redirecting energies.
Sacred Artifact Specialist
Over the centuries, Lyria has collected and studied numerous magical artifacts. She understands their workings, can harness their powers, and even craft her own enchanted items.
Cross-Cultural Ritualist
Lyria's extensive travels and studies have made her adept at blending rituals, spells, and divine practices from different cultures, creating unique and powerful hybrid ceremonies.
Astral Navigator
Beyond mere astral projection, Lyria can navigate the various planes of existence, accessing realms that are hidden to most.
Divine Historian
Lyria's eternal life has allowed her to witness and study the evolution of divine practices, rites, and deities. She holds a vast reservoir of knowledge about the history of divinity and its intersections with the mortal world.


On the first night of her rebirth as a vampire, Lyria's newfound hunger and the intoxicating allure of her dark powers led her to commit an act of unspeakable horror. With Asterion by her side, she descended upon her family home, where her parents, Callista and Eirenaios, and her younger brother, Lysandros, resided. The very hands that once held them in love now became instruments of their doom. Together, Lyria and Asterion reveled in the macabre dance of death, their shared bloodlust turning the once-hallowed halls into a scene of carnage. The pleasure they derived from this act was a chilling testament to the depths of their transformation, a night when two souls, bound by love, were forever lost to the darkness.

Mother - Callista

Callista was the revered head priestess of the temple before Lyria, a position she held with grace and dignity. Her life was a testament to her unwavering devotion to the gods and the people of Crete. Under her guidance, the temple flourished, becoming a beacon of hope and spiritual solace for many. Callista's beauty was not just physical; her soul radiated a warmth that drew people to her. She was known for her prophetic visions, which often guided the decisions of the Minoan royalty. As a mother, she was nurturing, instilling in Lyria the values of duty, discipline, and devotion from a young age. Their bond was deep, with Callista seeing in her daughter the future of the temple and its traditions.

Father - Eirenaios

Eirenaios was a prominent figure in the Minoan court, serving as an advisor to the king. His wisdom and diplomatic skills were renowned throughout Crete, making him an invaluable asset to the kingdom. Eirenaios was a man of principles, always striving for peace and harmony in both political and personal matters. He was deeply in love with Callista, and their union was celebrated as a perfect blend of the spiritual and the worldly. As a father, Eirenaios was protective, always ensuring that his family was shielded from the intrigues of the court. He took great pride in Lyria's achievements, often sharing tales of her growth and accomplishments with fellow courtiers.

Brother - Lysandros

Lysandros, younger than Lyria by a few years, grew up in the shadow of the temple and the court. While he respected the spiritual path his sister and mother followed, his heart yearned for adventure. As a young man, he became a skilled sailor, exploring the vast expanse of the Mediterranean and bringing back tales of distant lands and cultures. Lysandros was charismatic, with a natural ability to charm those around him. His bond with Lyria was special; the two shared a deep understanding, often confiding in each other about their dreams and fears. Even as their paths diverged, with Lyria embracing her divine duties and Lysandros seeking adventures on the high seas, their love and respect for each other remained unshaken.

Husband - Asterion Knossos

Asterion Knossos, born under the auspices of the Taurus constellation in ancient Crete, emerged from noble lineage to become a master artisan, celebrated for his unparalleled craftsmanship. However, his life took a dark turn when he was transformed into a vampire, leading him to commit the tragic act of slaying his own parents in a haze of bloodlust. Despite the monstrous nature that consumed him, his love for Lyria, a revered priestess, remained undiminished. Together, they embraced the shadows, with Asterion's unique blend of ancient wisdom, artistic brilliance, and vampiric powers making him a formidable figure in the annals of supernatural history.


Lyria Knossos, born into near-royalty on the 5th day of Poseideon during King Katreus's reign, was predestined for spiritual leadership as the daughter of the esteemed priestess, Callista. From her early years, she was immersed in rigorous spiritual studies and temple duties, preparing to inherit her mother's revered position. Her life, once defined by divine rituals and sacred responsibilities, experienced a profound shift upon meeting Asterion, the renowned artisan of Knossos. Their love story, intense and legendary, took a darker turn when Asterion's transformation into a vampire led Lyria, driven by love and a desire for freedom from her regimented life, to willingly embrace the shadows alongside him.

Early Life

Born on the 5th day of Poseideon in the 15th year of King Katreus's reign, Lyria Knossos was destined for greatness from her very first breath. As the cherished daughter of the revered priestess, she was born into a life of privilege, one that brushed closely with royalty. The sacred halls of the temple were her playground, and the ancient scriptures, her lullabies. From a tender age, it was evident that she would follow in her mother's footsteps, inheriting not only her title but also her spiritual responsibilities.

Lyria's days were meticulously structured, filled with rigorous studies of sacred texts, rituals, and the divine arts. Under the watchful eyes of temple elders, she was groomed in the ways of the gods, learning to invoke their blessings and interpret their will. Discipline was paramount, and Lyria, with her innate dedication, embraced her duties with a fervor that impressed even the most seasoned priests. Her youth, though devoid of the carefree joys typical of her age, was enriched with profound knowledge and spiritual enlightenment.


As Lyria transitioned into adulthood, the responsibilities of her destined role began to weigh heavily upon her slender shoulders. With each passing day, she found herself stepping into her mother's shoes, taking on more of the ceremonial duties and spiritual obligations that came with being the temple's head priestess. Her mother, recognizing Lyria's innate talent and dedication, gradually entrusted her with more significant rituals and ceremonies. The people of Crete began to see Lyria not just as the priestess's daughter but as a spiritual leader in her own right. Her grace, wisdom, and unwavering devotion to the gods earned her the respect and admiration of both the temple elders and the common folk. As the years went by, the transition became more apparent, with Lyria's presence in the temple eclipsing that of her mother, symbolizing a new era of spiritual guidance for the people of Crete.

The tapestry of Lyria's life, though rich with divine duties, took a turn when she crossed paths with Asterion, the renowned artisan of Knossos. Their first encounter was during a temple ceremony, where Asterion had been commissioned to present a fresco. The moment their eyes met, an electric charge filled the air, a connection that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds. As they got to know each other, their bond deepened, with Lyria being captivated by Asterion's passion for art and his tales of distant lands, while he was enchanted by her grace and spiritual depth. Their love story, though unexpected, became the stuff of legends, a union of art and divinity that would forever change the course of their lives.


In the aftermath of Asterion's transformation, Lyria, with her keen spiritual senses, quickly discerned the dark change that had befallen her beloved. Each night, as he ventured into the shadows, she knew of the unspeakable acts he committed to satiate his newfound thirst. While the very thought sent shivers down her spine, a part of her was inexplicably drawn to this darker world. The allure of the forbidden, the thrill of the unknown, beckoned her. For someone who had lived a life bound by sacred duties and stringent rituals, the idea of liberation from these chains, even if it meant embracing darkness, was tantalizing. The very thought of experiencing life without the weight of her divine responsibilities, to truly be free, became an obsession that she couldn't shake off.

One fateful night, unable to bear the distance that had grown between them and yearning for the same eternal bond, Lyria approached Asterion. With a mix of fear and determination in her eyes, she bared her neck to him, imploring him to grant her the dark gift. She wished to be by his side, not just in this life but for all eternity, to share in his newfound existence. Reluctantly, Asterion acquiesced, biting into her delicate flesh and then offering her his own blood, sealing their fates together. As the transformation took hold, Lyria Knossos, the revered priestess of Crete, was reborn as a creature of the night, forever bound to her love, Asterion.