
From Solas Tempus DB
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 6'9" out of armor 7'8" in armor
Weight: 236lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Augmented Human (Spartan II)
Age: 31
Place of Birth: Tantalus,Epsilon Eridani system
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: light brown
Figure: Muscular, Augment scars
Universe of Origin: Halo
Occupation: Spartan
Rank / Skill Level: Private First Class
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Quiet and reserved it's hard to get even a sentence out of him. Very dependable though, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Usually carries trinkets, mostly children's toys, tied to his hmg.

Special Skills

  • CQC
  • Firearms training
  • Vehicle training
  • Heavy equipment training
  • Spartan training
  • Mjolnir power armor training

Special Abilities

  • Enhanced strength, reflexes, dexterity, speed and senses.
  • Titanium grafted to bones
  • Muscle growth and regeneration sped up

Arms and Armor

  • Mjolnir V armor
  • MA5B, primary armament
  • Smoke grenades and frags, 4 each.
  • Hornet charges


Asmodius had always been an introverted individual, finding comfort in solitude and introspection from an early age. When he was recruited into the Spartan program, his stoic nature and resilience during the harsh training set him apart. Despite limited verbal communication, he formed a deep bond with his fellow trainees, creating an unspoken language through gestures and expressions, making them his new family in the relentless environment. After enduring the brutal augmentation process, Asmodius emerged as one of the formidable Spartan IIs, donning the renowned Mjolnir armor. Among his fellow Spartans, he opened up and formed strong connections, but he remained reserved and closed off to outsiders, guarding his emotions closely.

In the midst of the catastrophic events during the fall of Reach, Asmodius displayed extraordinary bravery, rescuing civilians trapped in the turmoil of a massive Covenant attack. Amidst the chaos, he discovered a lost little girl. He tried to keep her safe, unaware of her shrapnel wound, but she tragically passed away in his arms. Their brief conversation touched him deeply. Asmodius did not see the fall of reach, ending up in Soteria through a splice and reunited with Mike-037 and Elle before her transition. To aid Asmodius, Elle created a tactical AI program named Athena.

Mjolnir V
Athena AI hologram