Kove Ete

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Kove Ete
Alias: E
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 127 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Bajoran
Date of Birth: November 25, 2347
Place of Birth: Bajor
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Burnette
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Commanding Officer of Prism Terminal
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Ete rarely lets anyone call her by her given name, as is Bajoran tradition she goes mostly by her family name of Ete or just E. She's a skeptical woman who looks at everything with a jaded outlook and little or no trust in those she casually meets. She is constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Most are turned off entirely by her intensity and sarcasm. The sarcasm and intensity come off as a deep callousness when in reality she has never shed the fear she gained from the Cardassian occupation of Bajor when she was young. She can be cruel and intolerant when something violates her morals, though when one can pierce through her exterior they find someone who is humble at heart and would really rather be left alone. She's an escapist and looks to get out of emotionally draining or troubling situations rather than fight - unless someone she cares about is the target. If she is faced with putting herself in harms way for someone who cannot defend themselves, she would rather die than let them suffer. Her manners leave something to be desired, telling brutal truths when cornered. More often than not she avoids such situations, knowing she will get herself into trouble.

Special Abilities

  • Highly Intelligent
  • Highly Creative
  • Natural Leader
  • Charismatic

Special Skills

  • Insurgency Tactics
  • Jury Rigging
  • First Aid
  • Special Weapons & Tactics
  • Information Gathering
  • Avoiding Detection


Eta grew up in one of the concentration camps on Bajor during the Cardassian occupation. She was forced to watch as he parents were both killed for failing to work the land fast enough for their overseers. When the Cardassians left and the Federation took control of Deep Space 9 she believed that they had just made another deal with the devil and that it showed weakness. She's never been able to shed a deep seated mistrust of people, she is skeptical at the best of times and more-over she can be quite intolerant of those who disagree with her. Life was very hard when the occupation was over for a long time, a very long time. Political maneuvering in the capital left many starving, even though some wanted her to fight she declined. Eta was tired of fighting and seeing people killed for a hopeless cause. The only cause she thought she could potentially win was just to feed herself and those left alive from her resistance cell.

After the Occupation ended in 2369 many of her friends went into hiding. She was part of a resistance cell but had mainly passed information to other cells, working in the mines or the camps - anywhere she was put by the Cardassians. Many of those left required her care and so she cared for them for another 5 years. Even with better medical care most of her adoptive family was too old and passed away. Once they were gone she left Bajor and joined Solas Tempus in search of something new - something that could restore meaning to her life.