The Derelict

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 22:38, 6 December 2016 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (→‎Location)
40 x 10 x 15 km, approximately 3200 decks, 1.8 million square km of passageways and rooms.

The ship appeared in the Schatten Star System between the 2nd and 3rd planets. Sensors are unable to penetrate the hull though the vessel appears to have power no signs of life have yet been seen. Attempts to cut into the hull have failed, the hull maintains an exterior temperature of exactly 3 degrees above absolute 0 at all times. The area for exploration inside if immense and the entire star system has been locked down with strict protocol governing who can come and go. The vessel has power from unknown sources through the ship. Exploration has been hampered by strange events which have continued to happen. Animas Tempus has sent agents to investigate and assist.


While the physical location of the Derelict is easy enough to determine. It to a brilliant scientist Ciel was able to determine that the Derelict is sitting between our, normal space, and a tertiary subspace domain. This is similar to how the Dimensional Fold Drive places the ship in a pocket of reality within null space. Folded space / null space sit adjacent to the domain of the Derelict. This is what gives the Derelict the feeling of being neither old nor new but somehow both as it sits partially unfixed from time.

Ciel also developed a method of using a computer generated domain she calls Cyberspace to cross the dimensional barriers safely onto the Derelict.

Due to the Derelict being partially unfixed in time, the ship's past and future change at times, though sitting partially out of our reality seems to help stabilize the effect somewhat. Ciel's solution to this comes as a boon as recently some have attempted to break into the Derelict and directly crossing between realities without assistance has the side effect of completely altering the Derelict's past and future timelines. Using the Cyberspace as a bridge mitigates this, at least somewhat.

Points of Access

Solas Tempus has set up a landing and transport facility connected to the Derelict. It has two Type 7 Shuttle Craft landed there at all times and has two standard transporter rooms as well. It is powered by a fusion reactor. Two guards, minimum, occupy the facility at all times. When a team or anyone is on board the Derelict there is a medical team standing by at the landing facility and extra security.

Exhaust Ports

While the ship has many exhaust ports on the hull, most are closed. There are, however about 6 ports still open and in operation. The ports are about half a meter in diameter each and vent out heat from the ships power system at extremely high temperatures.



The interior of the ship is designed with circular passageways, reminiscent of a network of pipes or even a sewer system designed for water. Metallic gray walls with small conduits and pipes lining the outer edge of the corridors. Junctions are also reminiscent of the inside of a joined piping network, doors and hatches open like valves - turning on a central axis or rolling into the side of the corridor. The floor of the corridors are made of a thick transparent material of unknown origin and a clear water-like liquid can be seen flowing under floor.


The vessel appeared through the largest Splice on record near Blazing Umbra Station. The vessel is so massive that sensors were temporarily completely jammed by its presence. The splice took a full 15 minutes to completely pass the massive vessel through before closing the instant the vessel was clear.