Bedonia Sevpidor Star System

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Type: A1 V White Main Sequence
Radius: 1.64 x 106 km (2.35 times Sol)
Mass: 5.30 x 1030 kg (2.66 times Sol)
Temperature: 9500 K
Luminosity: 1.55 x 1028 W (40.58 times sol)
Ecosphere:Between 6.07 and 8.75 AU
Location: Xenoda Sector
1.2 ly from the Obeko Satcon Star System

The Bedonia Sevpidor is an uninhabited star system in the Xenoda Sector of the Serenity Concord. There are 6 planets and 1 asteroid belt. There is evidence that the system once had an advanced civilization living there in the distant past. The size of the star gives the entire system a very intense solar wind.


Class: A
Distance: 1.33 x 108 km (0.89 AU)
Period: 186.3 Days
Radius: 1,690.22 km (0.27 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.28 G

A hot and largely molten world, dominated by extreme volcanic activity and active lava flows. The small size prevents it from having more than a trace atmosphere of hydrogen. There may have once been an alien outpost of some kind on this world. It has a single moon which is likely a large asteroid caught in the gravity well of the planet.

Asteroid Belt

Orbiting at a mean distance of 1.61 AU from the star, it is relatively sparse and composed mostly of small metallic asteroids ranging from iron and nickel in most of the asteroids to trace amounts of gold, silver, lead, and platinum in others.


Class: A
Distance: 2.31 AU
Period: 2.15 Years
Radius: 4,543.68 km (0.71 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.83 G

This planet is a hot and unforgiving place. It has a trace atmosphere of hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. There is an intense electromagnetic field on this planet which interacts with the solar wind from its sun to produce powerful electrical storms across the surface. The planet is composed if iron, titanium, potassium, and neodymium.


Class: E4
Distance: 4.08 AU
Period: 5.05 Years
Radius: 10,898.88 km (1.71 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.71 G

An especially large planet, entirely incapable of supporting life. The atmosphere is composed of hydrogen compounds, particularly hydrocarbons and hydrogen cyanide along with trace amounts of various sulfides. Composed of silicon, iron, and magnesium.


Class: O
Distance: 6.76 AU
Period: 10.77 Years
Radius: 6,848.94 km (1.08 times Earth)
Gravity: 0.99 G

An ocean world, composed of 98% surface water with 18% of that being ice at the poles. The atmosphere is similar to Earth with oxygen-nitrogen in abundance and carbon dioxide supporting a native population of microbes, algae, and fungi. There is also a wide variety of natural aquatic and amphibious life, though no intelligent life has evolved here. Undersea ruins suggest that there was an advanced civilization on this world once, perhaps a colony, several thousand years ago. Surface conditions are largely tropical though more temperate toward the polar regions. The world does have intense electromagnetic storms, there are high concentrations of ferrous metals, cobalt, and nickel in the crust and mantle, though the core is mostly composed nickel, cobalt, and iron. The composition of the planet gives it a very strong magnetic field which helps protect the surface from the intense solar winds.

Approved colony site for the new Pe'Chak Directorate rebuilding the Chakhan race. The Serenity Concord has placed the Caelestis Terminal.


Class: C
Distance: 13.13 AU
Period: 29.14 Years
Radius: 6,852.22 km (1.08 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.11 G

A dead and cold world whose atmosphere has been stripped away by the intense solar winds. Composed of anthracite and basalt it lacks the magnetic field to protect itself from the solar winds and solar radiation.


Class: E
Distance: 25.54 AU
Period: 79.08 Years
Radius: 6,947.88 km (1.09 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.08 G

This planet is extremely geologically active, composed mostly of silicone, magnesium, aluminum. Heavy deposits of magnesium, aluminum-oxide, iron-oxide, zinc, and boron exist throughout the crust and mantle. The core has heavy concentrations of uranium, polonium, and radium. This naturally occurring mixture compounds causes extremely violent geological eruptions with plumes of plasma reaching temperatures in excess of 2200 degrees celsius. The highly ionizing radiation from the core contributes to the extreme seismic instability.