Obeko Satcon Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Name: Obeko Satcon
Type: B5V Blue-White Main Sequence M9V Red Dwarf
Radius: 4.91 x 106 km (7.05 times Sol) 2.71 x 105 km (0.39 of Sol)
Mass: 3.66 x 1031 kg (18.41 times Sol) 5.49 x 1029 kg (0.28 of Sol)
Temperature: 19300 K 2100 K
Luminosity: 2.38 x 1030 W (6218.12 times Sol) 2.02 x 1024 W (< 0.01 of Sol)
Distance: 886.20 AU
Ecosphere:Between 141.405 and 352.87 AU
Location: Xenoda Sector
2.9 ly from the Gamma Obeko Star System
1.2 ly from the Bedonia Sevpidor Star System

The Obeko Satcon system is a unique system. It has 2 stars, one Blue-White Main Sequence star many times the size and brightness of Sol and a distant companion, a Red Dwarf star. The system has a series of 8 unique planets as well, all of them unusually large. The system has only been charted using long range sensors.


Class: E4
Distance: 3.56 AU
Period: 1.56 Years
Radius: 17,473.75 km (2.74 times Earth)
Gravity: 3.07 G

This extremely large molten rock planet is far too close to the star to ever develop into a flourishing and life sustaining world. Heavy radiation prevents anything from thriving here. Due to the brightness of Obeko, it is possible this world will never sufficiently cool into a Class C. High gravity and heavy radiation combined with a thick atmosphere of hydrocarbons make this world unique.


Class: E4
Distance: 5.96 AU
Period: 3.39 Years
Radius: 15,926.75 km (2.50 times Earth)
Gravity: 2.53 G

While smaller than Kallioter, it is still very large. The surface maintains the temperature of molten iron, a thick atmosphere keeps volcanic and stellar heat close to the surface though it does block 89% of the ionizing radiation. The atmosphere is thick with various hydrogen compounds, some basic and highly toxic single celled organisms have developed close to the surface but none of them thrive due to the intense heat. There is no liquid water on the planet, but the high gravity permits a much denser atmosphere and higher pressure. Water vapor clings to the planet surface under the high heat and pressure close to the surface.


Class: E4
Distance: 8.81 AU
Period: 5.45 Years
Radius: 15,555.69 km (2.44 times Earth)
Gravity: 2.28 G

A large rocky world with a thick atmosphere composed of lighter hydrogen compounds, the surface is significantly irradiated by radiation from Obek. The surface remains molten and no life has developed here, due to high amounts of ionizing radiation at the surface. There is a system of planetary rings in orbit at right angles to the equatorial plane.


Class: E4
Distance: 13.59 AU
Period: 8.41 Years
Radius: 18,066.93 km (2.84 times Earth)
Gravity: 3.19 G

Another molten world, dominated by lava flows. A thick atmosphere of hydrogen compounds holds in significant amounts of heat. There is one large moon in orbit called Luater.


Class: D
Distance: 45,289.6 km
Period: 31.92 Days
Radius: 2,186.89 km (1.26 times Luna)
Gravity: 0.12 G

Similar in composition to Danrillon, likely created from a planetary impact during the formation of Danrillon.


Class: C4
Distance: 22.66 AU
Period: 25.13 Years
Radius: 12,614.10 km (1.98 times Earth)

gravity=2.24 G

Gravity: Unknown

A barren desolate world, no atmosphere. Rich in various metallic ores, such as iron, nickel, and aluminum but otherwise unremarkable.


Class: I
Distance: 43.60 AU
Period: 67.89 Years
Radius: 25,203.16 km (3.96 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.04 G

An ice giant, typical for a large gas giant and there are 18 asteroidal moons in orbit.


Class: V
Distance: 84.15 AU
Period: 179.89 Years
Radius: 12,093.84 km (1.90 times Earth)
Gravity: 2.07 G

A large world, thick atmosphere composed largely of hydrogen. Even through the atmosphere, the surface has a large amount of surface radiation. The composition of the planet is composed of large amounts of heavy and radioactive metals and similar compounds.


Class: L5
Distance: 153.84 AU
Period: 444.86 AU
Radius: 3,850.07 (0.60 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.62 G

A very thin atmosphere, with 15% of the surface covered by ice and no liquid water. The world is ideal for colonization using pressure domes.