Elise Juliette Saunier

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 07:34, 6 November 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Elise Juliette Saunier
Alias: Ell
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 67.2 kg (Android Body)
7.7 kg (XIA Body)
Gender: Female
Race: AI
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Date of Creation: August 2nd, 2385
Place of Creation: Serenity Station
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Fuchsia
Figure: Thin and lithe, pale skin, large piercing eyes
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: STS Officer
Assigned to Victoria Romana
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Status: NPC

Elise is a friendly and honest woman. An introvert at heart, Elise tends to go with the flow and not want to rock the boat, being rather conservative when it comes to taking the risk of going outside the bounds of what is expected of her. She has a deep contentment with her life and this gives her strength, both personally and as a team player professionally. She can be demanding when put in a position of power but also nurturing and able to bring the best out of people. She is resourceful and has a diverse life style trying new things often, though with cereal consideration on each. When back into a corner she gets angry easily though and can lash out forgetting manners and etiquette being even vulgar at times when she is forced into a situation she doesn't know how to handle.

Special Abilities

While not part of any vessel or station, she is part of an experimental program. Elise has similar abilities to a Master Systems AI equipped with a Multinodal Core and has 3 distinct forms giving the ability to move seamlessly between them at will.

Elise is also able to stay within the implant on her chosen partner, providing emotional and behavioral stability to the partner.

Special Skills

  • Tactical Training
  • Law Enforcement Training
  • Negotiation and Deescalation
  • Psychological Stability Training
  • Therapy Training
  • Medical Training
  • Botany
  • Oil Painting
  • Woodworking
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Singing
  • Amateur Acoustic Guitar


Originally programmed for the new MSAI project, however, as an AI Elise had much for affinity with security and related law enforcement tasks. After serving as part of the Solas Tempus Security forces she went into criminal psychology. A new program was devised for high value and high threat military prisoners. The new program was designed to use the Implant type of Multinodal Core to provide eyes and ears on such prisoners 24/7 while still allowing for therapy and other useful tasks. Primarily used as a way to allow high value assets to remain in the field despite potentially severe emotional or behavioral problems. Elise jumped at the chance to experiment with this new program.