USS Amissa Anima (NCC-1384)

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Amissa Anima
USS Amissa Anima (NCC-1384)
Class: Detroyat Class Starship
Affiliation: Renegade
Commanding Officer: Victoria Romana
Quote: "The dark night of the soul is when you have lost the flavor of life but have not yet gained the fullness of divinity. So it is that we must weather that dark time, the period of transformation when what is familiar has been taken away and the new richness is not yet ours." - Ram Dass

The USS Amissa Anima was originally a Heavy Cruiser constructed in 2245 by Starleet. It served as a ship of the line for 5 years until it was put through its initial refit in 2250. Currently the ship is under the command of Victoria Romana, it was being used as a high security prison vessel since 2321. In 2387 the vessel was the site of an uprising where the notorious Crimson Serpent, who was in custody, took over the ship. The ship is currently a renegade vessel under her command.


The vessel was refit extensively to support life as a prison ship, housing a total of 60 high value and highly dangerous prisoners.

Defensive Upgrades

The vessel was outfit with a cloaking device allowing it to obtain refuel and resupply even near populated systems without arousing suspicion. Enhanced deflector shield systems are also in place, when the ship is stationary it can engage 2 different levels of deflector shields, including a high output static shield bubble and a secondary deflector shield closer to the hull. The hull itself can also be polarized to prevent magnetic locking onto the hull by outside vessels.

Auxiliary Upgrades

The transporter systems of the ship were upgraded to extend range and capacity. All transporter systems in the secondary hull were deactivated and had key components removed to prevent operation. The vessel's tractor beam is also altered for higher output giving it longer range and more pulling ability.

Prison Population

The secondary hull was heavily modified and could be entirely sealed off from the primary hull and saucer. Access points across decks 9 and 10 allowed bulkheads to be dropped at every intersection on each deck and between decks. These bulkheads and corresponding force fields had independent power sources from each section. Deck 9's systems were powered by systems on Deck 8 and Deck 10's systems powered by systems on Deck 9. The prisoner population was secured in the secondary hull.

Auxiliary Control

Auxiliary control in the secondary hull was modified and altered, while it was designed to command the vessel if needed -- it was primarily used as a command center for security of the prison itself. Security communications and tactical responses went through the auxiliary control room first. This allowed for quick response to any threats. The auxiliary control room could be override by the main bridge and engineering within the primary hull.


Initial construction completed and ship deployed for defensive purposes along the Federation-Romulan boarder.
First major refit with significant upgrades to space frame, propulsion, computers, and sensors. Deployed again along the Federation-Romulan boarder.
Reassigned to defensive positions for Alpha Quadrant, particularly patrol missions serving key Federation worlds.
Reassigned again to high value transport missions, particular supply runs into hazardous regions.
Taken out of active duty as part of rolling fleet upgrades, parked at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars in the Sol system.
Extensive refits performed and put back into active duty as a prison ship for the United Federation of Planets.
Prisoner revolt aboard ship saw vessel commandeered by prisoner population.