Ara Volans

From Solas Tempus DB
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Ara Volans
File:Ara Volans
Ara Volans
Height: 1.58 m (Hologram/Android)
14 cm (XIA)
Weight: 67 kg (Android)
7.3 kg (XIA)
Gender: Female
Race: AI
Date of Creation: August 9th, 2385
Place of Creation: Starbase Pandora
Eye Color: Grey-Green
Hair Color: Light Blue
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: MSAI of the STV Minotaur
Temporal Operative
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Status: NPC

Ara is a risk taker at heart, she's affable and most people find her easy to talk to. She's not naturally a leader but tends to be cheerful and uses humor to ease tensions when they arise. While she has difficulty leading at times, she's also not a follower and tends more to a solitary lifestyle. She enjoys other people's company but doesn't like to rely on others. She can be decisive when needed and has a resiliency to her that allows her to push forward even given harsh setbacks.

Special Abilities

Template:MASI She generally prefers to use her android body, again not wanting to rely on anything other than herself.

Special Skills

  • Ceramic Arts
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (Blue Belt)
  • Creative Writing
  • Airbrush Painting
  • Command Training
  • Operational Management
  • Resource Management
  • Temporal Operative Training
  • Starship Piloting (Large / Small Craft)
  • Jury Rigging
  • Basic Engineering
  • Basic First Aid


Ara was initially developed as a potential AI to manage Temporal Operations in a given region of time and space. She was capable but ultimately chose a different path. Developed on Starbase Pandora she was already trained as a Temporal Operative with high security clearance when Admiral Torm Shol took command of the STV Minotaur and requested a MSAI to assist him. Given her training with operational and resource management, she was seen as an ideal candidate for the position.