Arianna Belle

From Solas Tempus DB
Arianna Belle
Arianna Belle
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 95 lbs
Race: Fairy
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: Young Adult
Eye Color: Orange-Red
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Thin framed with a petite figure, unusually graceful in all of her movements. Most humans would find her beauty unparalleled, nearly supernaturally beautiful.
Organization: Fairy Court of Elder Soteria
Occupation: Former Queen
Category: 3
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Arianna is a sweet girl with a strong sense of empathy, she genuinely desires to help others. She makes friends easily and trusts just as easily, when betrayal hits it is devastating to her. She is still quick to forgive and accept enemies or former friends back into her life. She enjoys getting lost in music, most often in dance but also in playing the flute or singing. She feels an unusual connection to song and dance, as if they themselves hold some kind of power. When she's performing, even if only for herself, she feels at peace with herself and who she is.

Arianna also has flashes of insight into her former life as a Queen, though is unable to articulate these. To her they are just instinctual urges to handle a situation in one way or another. Although she does not know where these insights come from, she follows her instincts.

Special Skills

  • Plays the Flute (2B)
  • Plays the Piano (1D)
  • Sings (3A)
  • Dances (3A)
  • Wilderness Survival (1B)
  • History (1C)
  • Magical Theory (2C)
  • Fishing (1B)
  • Hunting (1B)
  • Healing (1C)

Those who hear her sing and see her dance will note it is captivating, almost enthralling. There is always an unseen kind of energy pulled and swirling around her and the room, drawing people in and bending them somewhat to the mood of her dance / song.

Special Abilities

  • Psionics
  • Empty & Telepathy
  • Winged Flight

Arianna is unaware of these abilities specifically, due to her memory block. She does not appear to have wings as they only come out when she desires to fly. Her psionic abilities tend to come to her as passive abilities that she interprets as intuition unaware of her deeper capabilities.

Special Equipment


Arianna doesn't know where she is from, has no memory of anything before the day she was found at the Radiant Spring. All she knows is her name and that she loves to entertain, dancing especially. Though she is will often sing to herself when sad.

In actuality, Arianna was once the most powerful Fairy in Elder Soteria. During the time of the War of the False Prophets she was the Fairy Queen. In the last days the Fairies were some of the first to try to stop the violence, using their abilities in cunning, persuasion, and deal making to try to lead the humans to peace. This unsung act goes largely unrecorded in what is left of history, as they were among the first to be banished in the Backlash even before the elves.

Many of the wisest of the Fairies saw the magic was turning inward before the final runes were set. They tried to warn the Ageless Ones of their folly but it was unsuccessful, the hubris of the Ageless Ones could not be matched. So they turned to their own magic, it is unknown how many Fairies survived and how many were lost to the Dark Aether but Arianna sacrificed herself and her knowledge and became effectively human, all of her memories and understanding sealed away in the Musae Custodi she wears around her neck. The locket serves as a key which not only would restore her memories and understanding to her -- but would also unravel the powerful spell which transformed her into a human. The human mind cannot hold the vast knowledge, power, and understanding of a Fairy. Thus, most of her powers and abilities are sealed from her along with her memory.

Arianna had hoped that using this should could escape the Backlash and return her people home. Once the Backlash had banished the Fae into the Dark Aether, it should have left her behind and the magic should have unraveled. It did not, instead the magic displaced her and did not send her to the Dark Aether but flung her into the far, far distant future. When she woke up near the Radiant Spring, she had no memories of anything before that moment. Only that she loved to dance and sing and had a compelling urge to help... Someone, though who she did not know.

In her life as a human she has taken to a bit of a nomadic life. Nowhere seems to fit, she does help people and enjoys it. Often she will perform for money as she needs to but overall lives a solitary life. It bothers her that she has no yet found a home, she knows there is something more for her out there and that she just has to find it. She visits libraries all over the 10 Kingdoms and reads, somewhere deep inside she hopes one of the books she reads will hold the answers she has been looking for. In her travels she has learned to survive off the land as well as how to hunt and fish and sustain herself.