Borani Viliaris

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Borani Viliaris
Borani "Boar" Viliaris
Alias: Boar
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 151 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Betazoid
Age: 25
Date of Birth: February 16th, 2362
Place of Birth: SS Gothica
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Broad shoulders, scruffy appearance, genial face
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: XO of Eternis Terminal
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Borani, called Boar by his friends, is a generous man. His friends and colleagues know him to be quite genuine and chivalrous. He enjoys helping others, lending his own stability to tense situations. He is considerate and generally a happy person. Boar has a strong sense of who he himself is and this gives him an inspiring quality when talking to others, he leads through example. He can be a bit possessive, especially when it comes to people under his command or for whom he cares deeply. He is a man of action and can be rebellious when the rules get in the way of something he knows to be the right thing. His leadership can come off as authoritarian, though he doesn't think of it that way. For him he uses his experience and judgement to teach others the proper way of doing things.

In his personal life Boar can be a bit hard headed, forging ahead sometimes too quickly and is slow to change his mind. His friends generally appreciate how rock solid and dependable he is, even if it sometimes comes with strings attached. Professionally his authoritarian nature can make him seem harsher than he means to be, though he tries to keep this in check and is more liberal with praise than with criticisms. As a full Betazoid he is telepathic and uses this ability to ease tensions in situations, addressing concerns before they become too big to deal with. when he has to be he can be very diplomatic, even though he feels that is somewhat dishonest.

Special Abilities

  • Telepathy
  • Empath

Special Skills

  • Command Training
  • Covert Action Training
  • Surveillance
  • Martial Arts - Judo


Borani grew up in space, he was born on a cargo ship called the SS Gothica. His parents were both long haul cargo ship pilots, mostly making the run from inner Federation worlds to the outermost colonies. They were hit hard by the Dominion War and the Maquis raiding the Cardassian DMZ before the war broke out. They never really forgave the Federation for giving up on their own people and supported the Maquis as much as they could. Borani didn't like the cargo ship life and wanted more. He grew up hearing stories from the crew and even his own parents about battles they'd been in and wanted to experience some of it himself. As a young man he thought about joining Starfleet but they weren't too popular with his friends or his parents. So Borani decided to join Solas Tempus, graduating from the Academy with high marks, he rose through the ranks quickly and eventually landed a posting at the Eternis Terminal as the executive officer.