Alyssa Aspen (Angelic Sins Variant)

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Alyssa Aspen
Alyssa Aspen
Played by: Trigger215
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 100 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Mentali (feline dragon)/human (can swap between the two appearances at will)
Date of Birth: October 6th, 1998
Place of Birth: Council Bluffs, IA
Eye Color: Orange/yellow
Fur Color: Orange and White
Figure: Somewhat slim. Human form's legs have lots of scars from crawling around in bushes in forests. Dragon form is covered in orange and white fur. In either form, she wears a red shirt, white jacket, red shorts, and white shoes.
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: Field researcher
Rank / Skill Level: Fairly skilled at her job.
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Angelic Sins

Very friendly, a bit too naive for her own good. She often tries solving conflicts non-violently.

Special Skills

Sewing: Alyssa has learned to sew, as it's extremely hard to find clothes to fit her. Having wings and horns isn't easy!

Medical Training: As a fallback if her healing powers fail her, Alyssa has medical training, and is currently working to become a doctor.

Stealthiness: Being a feline, Alyssa is naturally light on her feet, being extremely quiet when she moves around. She is an expert on stealth and infiltration.

Special Abilities

Form Switch: Alyssa can shift from a human form into a draconic form at any time.

Telekinesis: Alyssa is able to lift up to 200 lbs. with her telekinesis. It only works on objects she could potentially carry normally. When there isn't much room to use her wings, Alyssa is able to use her telekinesis on herself.

Telepathy: Alyssa is able to reach out to others mentally, and if they accept her mental presence, the two can speak to each other mentally. It only works if they are in earshot, unless she has done so at least twice before.

Rocket Rush: Using a maneuver called the Rocket Rush, Alyssa can run at up to 500 mph and fly at up to 500 mph. She's also able to bring slower individuals to this speed, as well as adding onto the speed of faster individuals and bringing Alyssa along for the ride. It takes a bit of acceleration time, though. When using a Rocket Rush, trails of light emit from Alyssa's horns and the tips of her wings.

Healing Magic: Alyssa is able to use Wood-based magic to heal wounds and injuries. She can't use it on herself, though.

Small Projectile Attacks: Alyssa is currently learning how to create projectile-based attacks. In the future, with practice, she may be able to strengthen them, turning them into beams.

Misc.: Alyssa has a few abilities that don't really count against the power limit. Having her abilities has made Alyssa quite mentally capable, allowing her to understand complex language easily. Another fairly useless yet nice upside is that Alyssa's dreams are mostly lucid. When she isn't lucid dreaming, though, it's always a nightmare.

PHYSICAL ABILITIES: Alyssa can ruffle her extremely reflective fur up in specific patterns to change her appearance through light refraction, meaning this does not change her physical structure at all. She can also breathe fire, and she is very heat resistant. She is also very resistant to poisons and harmful drugs. This fact makes her unable to feel any effects from alcohol. A drunken psychic dragon would cause lots of problems, you know.

PHYSICAL STRENGTH: Due to her feline descent, Alyssa can run at up to 60mph, and leap incredible heights. She can lift up to 100 lbs. Her wings can lift up to 200 lbs., and allow her to fly at up to 200 mph.

WEAKNESSES: Alyssa is extremely sensitive to dark magic. Even mentioning it will physically harm her, so choose your words carefully around her! If dark magic is mentioned 10 times in a minute, it's highly likely that she'll have to go to the sick bay. She will be paralyzed for a few hours if even a spark of electricity touches her, leaving her unable to move anything but her mouth and eyes. Because of this, she's afraid of thunderstorms, and even gets anxious when out in the rain. Both of these also disable her psychic powers, and remove her poison resistance, for a few hours. She can, of course, be hurt by anything a normal human can be hurt by, as, unlike most dragons, she has fur and skin instead of hard scales. She doesn't like letting her friends down or hurting others, and takes this philosophy with her in everything she does. Harming her friends weighs heavily on her conscience, and if her friends are badly hurt beyond her help, or die, she tends to fall into a deep depression. Letting others down is one of her deepest fears. She may have an Uzi pistol, but is only an amateur at using it.

LIMITATIONS: Alyssa can only lift up to 250 lbs. with telekinesis. She can only telepathically speak to others if they are in earshot, unless she has done so at least twice before. She can run at up to 500 mph and fly at up to 750 mph with speed augmentation, and bring others to that speed, but she needs time to accelerate. She cannot heal herself. She's only able to teleport to those she can speak to over long distances. Water will remove her fire breath abilities for an hour or two.


Alyssa grew up as the daughter of two dragons, Colin and Marie Hutchinson. The two were murdered, leaving the young girl orphaned. She was taken in by Taren Aspen, a werewolf scientist, and raised as his daughter. Most of her abilities, she discovered through field research for Taren. (She actually signed up for this research.) Now, though, she's starting to get bored of just working for him, and wants to explore for herself.