Oscar Masing

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 02:17, 27 December 2021 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Oscar Masing
Oscar Masing
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Kaltann
Height: 6'1" (Android/Hologram)
14cm (XIA)
Weight: 119 kg (Android)
8 kg (XIA)
Race: AI
Date of Creation: August 9th, 2385
Place of Creation: Trocara (Markab Star System)
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Tall and gaunt, very pale skin.
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: MSAI of the Insane Prince (STV-1027)
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Oscar is generally an affable person, truthful and a unique individual once one gets to know him. He is quick thinking, unconventional, and rarely gets angry even when provoked and attentive to the situation going on around him. He generally carries himself with an air of authority / superiority and while he can be well mannered if he tries, he also can be a bit rude when he doesn't keep it in mind. He doesn't really understand people that well and speaks mostly through his deeds, otherwise being quiet and reserved. Others often think him to be cold, which earned him the nickname Kaltann which is a mash-up of German words for cold man. He does not like this nickname much but it has stuck with him, only his closest friends can call him this without a rather frustrated (although mild) reaction.

Professionally he prefers to bury himself in books and research, though on no specific topic. Personally he is difficult to get close to and mostly desires to be left alone, a classic loner. He understands the work he does will bring him in contact with people often, though he requested assignment to a smaller craft to limit this. Strangely he can also have a bit of a flare for the dramatic, once he feels comfortable. No one is quite sure why he joined Solas Tempus when he could have gone to academia and been perfectly fine locked away in an office reading and teaching with his students at arms length. Even though he often seems to be detached he is always aware of what's going on around him.

Special Abilities

{{{name}}} is a Master Systems AI equipped with a Multinodal Core and has 3 distinct forms giving the ability to move seamlessly between them at will.

Oscar will mostly prefer to use his holographic form, rarely showing himself. When he has to, he will adopt the most efficient form to the task at hand.

Special Skills

  • Command Training
  • Engineering Training
  • History & Anthropology with Specialization in Ancient Civilizations
  • Ancient Poetry & Songs of Ancient Civilizations


Originally created on Trocara in the Markab Star System to teach at the Solas Tempus Academy, which is where he gets his love of history, anthropology, and ancient civilizations. Teaching did not agree with him though, as much as he does not understand people, he likes people. He would overall like to be understood. He did teach for about a year before signing on for something more exciting, though he never talks about it he did not enjoy how he was treated by his supposedly learned colleagues at the Academy. They would often look down upon him and try to use him to lighten their own workloads. Though this made some kind of sense to him, he could handle doing a lot simultaneously, he found it not only unfulfilling but disagreeable. The younger professors had far less of a problem with him than the older ones, especially older and formerly active duty people. It left a bad taste in his mouth for academia.