Noc Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
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This system is dominated by a carbon-oxygen burning white dwarf star. This is a Type D star with spectral class DA2 about equal in mass to Sol but with a radius approximately equal to Venus. The outer shell is composed almost entirely of hydrogen, the lightest element present, while it burns carbon-oxygen into heavier elements.


It is believed that the system once has somewhere between 3-5 planets, however, at this time it has none. During the Red Giant phase of the star it is likely that the innermost planets were consumed by the star iself. When the Red Dwarf exhausted its helium fuel, the star went nova, leaving a massive dust cloud of heavily charged ions. The blast destroyed whatever plants were left in the system at that time, remnants of them are found in the systems only asteroid belt, existing about 10 AU from the start itself. The asteroid belt is composed of radioactive materials that pose a navigational hazard.


The star system has been charted via long range sensors from passing probes. As yet no survey ships have been tasked with doing a more extensive survey, none are scheduled by the Federation or its allies. A private entity called the Elemental Exploration Syndicate has registered their intent to explore the system with both the Serenity Concord and the United Federation of Planets, since the system has no official claim, it is likely that consortium is looking for a potential site for mining the research-rich asteroids.