Richard Newfolk

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Revision as of 19:00, 10 June 2021 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Richard Newfolk
Richard Newfolk
Played by: User:Dasfier
Alias: Renata
Height: 8'
Weight: 200lbs
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 20
Date of Birth: June 15
Date of Creation: January, 2384
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: brown
Figure: true form has skin that's various shades of red and purple, with a generically feminine shape, arms and extra appendages, such as tail and extra arms with claws can be hidden to give a more humanlike appearance, humanoid form is around 5'8" in height and has a very feminine appearance.
Organization: Police officer (former)
Occupation: MSAI for Umbral Shipyards
Rank / Skill Level: Novice
Approved By: User:JumpingScript
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

Believes strongly in right and wrong, highly protective of others. She hardly backs down from a fight. she enjoys fishing, mapmaking, and swimming. She loves helping people, but she hardly asks for help herself. She does at times have trouble controlling her instincts.

Special Abilities

  • Enhanced senses (smell, taste, hearing)
  • Mimicry (she can mimic words, sounds and voices)
  • Shape change (able to switch from true form to humanoid forms, also can change her height)
  • Camophlage (can turn nearly invisible, except for a faint shimmer around her body
  • Pheromones (can release special pheromones to attract prey or attempt to get what she wants)

Shadow Wraith Form

Richard is a Shadow Wraith.

Special Skills

  • Law enforcement
  • Tackling
  • Pinning
  • Arresting
  • Wrestling
  • Close quarters combat

Special Equipment

  • Glock
  • Taser
  • Batton
  • Officer uniform


Richard newfolk was born a young man living in the california LA area, he's always walked on the side of the law, and helping others. As such he eventually went into the police force. Shortly after his training, he was doing his patrol when suddenly he blacked out and woke in a mysterious laboratory, and witnessed a needle injecting something into his arm. Somehow He escaped soon after and finds himself in the street... as the serum starts to take effect.