Talk:Mark 1S Active Repair Drone

Discussion page of Mark 1S Active Repair Drone
Revision as of 19:49, 10 April 2021 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
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These were designed based on the idea of the DRD's from Farscape. I had already created an item, the Automated Service Robot but never felt it really seemed right for the setting. I finally settled on this idea based on the concept that insects on Earth are incredibly important to the functioning of the planet's ecosystem. I stared to think about the idea that ants and bees actually build and maintain their own homes, repairing damage and bringing in food and such. I even watched a video which showed that some bees actually station themselves at the entrance to a hive and beat their wings really fast to move air in and out of the hive.

Even thought I hate spiders and other arachnids personally, I also thought of how a spider builds its web and maintains it. Thus it came to me that a team of insect-sized robots could effect repairs if they were to team up like a robotic hive. I'm sure science fiction has brought us this before (and they probably killed all the people or tried to). They would need to be small and mobile. It never says in Farscape how the DRD's stick to walls but insects often can climb walls and walk on ceiling.

So, the general idea for these scorpion-shaped repair drones is that they can use nanomaterials to change their skin, feet, and claws, etc. to allow them to climb walls, walk inside tight conduits, and repair things that would take people a lot of man-hours to even get to. The mental image is of many of them working as a team, some remove a problem part while others bring raw materials to build a new part right on-site. If I was better as 3D graphics I would render something of one f these things holding a burnt out isolinear control chip while another carries a new one.

With the addition of the Replicative Repair Beam they can almost 3D Print a new part right on sight consuming the old damaged part right there.

Cyclops (talk) 12:47, 10 April 2021 (PDT)