Ranger Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 23:10, 1 June 2016 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)

The Ranger Class starship is a ship designed and built by Solas Tempus designed with input from Starfleet, the Vulcan Science Academy, as well as other noted starship designers. The vessel is designed as a long range temporal scout ship, the design is currently in testing for further deployment.

87 x 60 x 29 m
Crew Capacity
Standard 6, Minimum 1, Maximum 15
Cruising Speed
Warp 6.3 / Fold 5.1
Maximum Speed
Warp 9.2 / Fold 8
Burst Speed
Warp 9.94 for 3 minutes / Fold 9 for 97 seconds
Power Source
Fusion Reactors / Matter-Antimatter Reactor / Temporal Energy Core / Oscillating Mercury Core
Impulse Drive / Warp Drive / Dimensional Fold Drive / Gravitational Displacement Drive / Gravitational Displacement Drive / Time Displacement Equipment

Offensive Systems

Two forward / ventral mounted standard phaser emitters, two high powered forward / ventral tachyon beam emitters, and two photon torpedo launchers, one fore and one aft.

Defensive Systems

Phasing Cloak, Deflector Shields, Temporal Shields, Stealth & Ablative Armor Generation, Holographic Hull Camouflage, and Energy Signature Modification System.

Main Computer

The ships main computer acts as a HAL 9000 primary hub. HAL is capable of operating all ships systems without human interaction, especially when combined with Automated Service Robot's which allow HAL to direct physical actions. The vessel comes with a full compliment of these drones.

Time Travel Capabilities

This vessel was designed as a powerfully adaptive vessel to combat temporal incursions. Since temporal incursions are uniquely dangerous when more people are involved it was decided that the vessel should be able to be run by as few as a single command occupant with the help of computer automation using the HAL 9000 system or a QUINN AI as the systems core programming. The vessel has been designed with the latest methods of concealment and detection avoidance available.

Expanded Shuttle Bay

Even though the ship is designed to operate with as little human interaction as possible it still may be needed, at any time, to be used with a larger compliment of people. The two shuttle bays in the original design were not deemed enough for such missions and the two bays still operate on the port and starboard sides of the impulse drive. However, the launch bays back up to the main cargo and shuttle bay area, which extends the length of the saucer. Space form the center is taken up by control rooms surrounding the central computer core. At either side, docking collars open up directly into the large bay.

Multiple Engine Cores

In addition to an auxiliary bank of fusion power cores and the primary Matter / Antimatter reactor powering the Warp Drive, the vessel is equipped with two additional energy cores.

Communications Array

Rather than a standard subspace communications system, it contains a special secondary transceiver array which maintains a lock on the Pandoric Rift. The HAL computer system them maintains a link to BlueNet and manages that link and information transfers to mitigate temporal contamination.