Pandoric Interface

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By using the naturally occurring distortion, the Pandoric Rift, through keeping it under tight control Starbase Pandora is able to initiate subspace communications links throughout time and space. The data connection operates in as a series of calibrated bursts across a wide subspace band to facilitate the rift being directed toward multiple locations in time.

Establishing a Connection

Any Solas Tempus Communicator can establish a connection to the Pandoric Interface provided that it has proper clearance to do so. Access to the interface requires at least Level 1 clearance via Command Codes.

  • The initial connection request is made via an Interplexing Transceiver which directs a coded signal toward specific coordinates which are easily scanned from the rift across time and space.
Each Solas Tempus Communicator, computer system, or communications array maintains a lock on its temporal origin, which cannot be altered. This temporal origin is coded into the pulse.
  • Once the pulse is received by HAL, the system uses the temporal origin coded into the pulse to focus the rift, originating from the appropriate temporal location.
During this process the signal is validated as having proper clearance to access the interface.
  • HAL then initiates a BlueNet link across the Temporal Awareness Layer first to ensure that each HAL unit is aware of the current ebb and flow of time to prevent causality violations.
HAL will not allow a causality violation, a connection to the interface cannot be established if HAL detects that doing so will cause such a violation to occur.
  • Once the Temporal Awareness Layer has been linked through the interface and validated as being safe, the Autonomous Layer connection is established to manage the connection.
The autonomous layer manages the AI's awareness across varied nodes in conjunction with the Temporal Awareness Layer which factors in causality and when it is appropriate to share information between nodes.
  • Finally, the remaining communication layers can be established through the rift.
All communications through the rift are monitored by HAL for potential security and causality violations.


HAL is able to translate the interface to an appropriate terminal design. That is to say, during an operation in the past, it might be necessary to access the interface via local technology. This is possible and is done through Interface Translation, which is managed by HAL.

HAL Computer Surveillance Hubs

At various locations throughout the timeline and known space, [[HAL Computer System]|HAL Surveillance] Hubs have been established. These hubs are also known as Surveillance or Pandoric Interface Hubs. They differ from many other hubs as they are designed to be self contained and sustaining. The hubs are placed generally directly connected to communications systems or networks or (less prefered) long-standing monuments passively listening to radio and subspace traffic in the local area. As of May of 2386 teams were dispatched to specially selected points within the timeline to install the Mark 1S Repair System at each location. In these special cases the drones will self-destruct vaporizing themselves rather than be discovered. The repair system allows each hub to maintain itself and even upgrade itself. Due to issues of causality, the need to have teams actually visit a Hub needs to be minimized.

These hubs maintain a communications link through the Pandoric Interface to relay data. As such an Operative need not establish a link to the interface directly, assuming there is a Hub within communications range that already has a link. HAL will manage this autonomously, seeking out the simplest way to establish a link to BlueNet at the lowest resource cost. If there is a hub capable of providing interface access, the system will use that hub within the local time-frame to establish a connection.

This is where Interface Translation takes place as well, as there are hubs configured as strategic points connected to the computer networks of major races in critical time periods. For security purposes, these interfaces are well hidden within the established infrastructure by Temporal Operatives on the ground. These hubs operate interface translations so that access to the interface can be attained through technology of the time period without arousing suspicion. Examples of this translation include using Internet / HTTPS interfaces in 20th and 21st century Earth, placing hidden interfaces into interactive entertainment elements such as games or holographic novels, training simulations on Kronos, or educational materials on Vulcan. Each interface element is specifically keyed using the signature found either in the Temporal Operative Pocket Watch or within the Solas Tempus Challenge Coin, though using the challenge coin will cause an alert to be sent back to Starbase Pandora for investigation.

Since the opening of Janus Gate the Pandoric Interface has expanded to alternate realities as well. Though direct communications are difficult burst communications are currently being relayed through the Umbral Rift in the Schatten System.

Temporal Beacons

While a Solas Tempus temporal beacon can be used without the Pandoric Rift, Starbase Pandora scans for these signals and if one is found the rift is then directed to that space-time location, to establish a connection if possible.