
From Solas Tempus DB
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Played by: User:Dasfier
Height: 9.8"
Weight: 15 LBS
Gender: Female
Race: Micro-Gem Dragon
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 15
Date of Birth: December 15
Place of Birth: Unknown
Eye Color: Sapphire
Figure: Small cat-like body, crystal like scales, white feathery wings.
Universe of Origin: Embers of Soteria
Occupation: Familiar
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Likes shiny things, riddles, rhymes, cleverness and tricks. She's curious about the world and is eager to help. she's exceptionally innocent and trusting of others.

Special Skills


Special Abilities

Mystic Bonding
Crystella is able to bond with someone she deems trustworthy, and is able to become that person’s familiar/companion if she wishes. This bond can be broken if she chooses
Dragon Magic
An innate mysticism of Crystella’s person that makes her resistant to magic used against her and allows her to freely use certain magical abilities with no prior experience or requirements/reagents needed to use said abilities.

Magical Abilities

Mould Earth
Excavation and manipulation of the surrounding natural land and elements within a short radius of Crystella, including the ability to freely change the shape and color of the controlled earth. This can be done at a distance and no contact is required
Shape Water
Manipulation of nearby water bodies within a small radius of Crystella. This includes changing the water’s shape, color, and opacity with no limit
Control flames
Manipulation and full control of chosen, nearby flames within a small radius of Crystella. Its brightness could be doubled or halved, the flame can be shifted into vague shapes of any object, creature, location or person Crystella can imagine, and the flame can be expanded up to 5 feet from its source without any additional fuel needed. The flame can also be instantly extinguished at will if controlled and cannot be re-lit afterwards.
Fire Bolt
A basic, hand-sized molt of pure flame that can be flung, hurled, or thrown like a regular physical projectile
Absorb Elements
A spell that partially captures the energy of incoming magic. This lessens the effect of the magic on Crystella to a degree, and absorbs the magic inflicted upon her. She is then able to release this stored energy upon her next physical strike. The amount she can store is finite and can overwhelm her if she absorbs too much without releasing such energy


  • Small wood box the perfect size for her
  • 5 gemstones of various sizes
  • Soft bedding inside box


Growing up in an unknown safe haven for dragons of various sizes, she had been bred for the purpose of showing that dragons are capable of more than just destruction, but as friends and allies to other creatures. Growing up in this safe haven caused her scales to glitter like the gemstones around her, causing her to become a micro-gem dragon.

When she was of age, and taught language and magic, she was brought to a box that she liked to curl up in, with new bedding and a few of her favorite gems to play with. She was lulled to sleep and then the box, with her in it, was sent to the surface world.