Harlo Anomaly

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The Harlo Anomaly sits about 3 km to the North-West of Yavirnyk, Ukraine. The anomaly is a focused point of temporal energy with additional energy signatures including a low-level of Oswalds detected in the area of about 22 meters around the anomaly. During World War III Operation Touchstone was tasked with ensuring the anomalies temporal properties were not used by either the locals or various other political entities engaged in the war. The locals call it Дерево праведного болю (loosely translated means Tree of Righteous Pain) which refers to local legends of the anomaly being used as a test or punishment for the faithful to come closer to god.


The anomaly is formed from several interlacing hyperplanes across different temporal regions but located in the same spatial region relative to Earth's core. The hyperplanes intersect and create a skism in space-time. Normally this skism is simply the source of anomalous temporal energy. However, the anomaly has been known to produce bizarre effects if the hyperplanes align in various configurations, which has been known to happen. Effects have been reported to transport people from one time to another, regenerate sick, deceased, or even dead tissues, as well as reverse the effects of aging. Further effects included the polar opposites, a young person being turned old or being killed of extreme age. Some records indicate people entering the anomaly and emerging as simply skeletons with the flesh long since turned to dust.

Local History

Local legends also state that monsters of various types once would live inside the anomaly and venture forth to consume the innocent before retreating back into the anomaly. During 1st century CE the anomaly would be used to test the faith of the devout. Those who passed through it with no effect were seen as worth and were allowed to continue their studied to the next level. However, the anomaly would occasionally regenerate a person which to the locals meant the God himself has touched this person, giving them considerable power and influence. Further if the person would pass through the anomaly and become more aged or otherwise harmed, it was considered that not only they were, but their entire family was, wicked and should be put to death to appease God lest God himself strike them down for disobedience.