Jael Ershu

From Solas Tempus DB
Jael Ershu
Jael Ershu
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Race: Aasimar
Age: 34
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Iridescent Black
Universe of Origin: Pathfinder
Occupation: Adventurer
Rank / Skill Level: Accomplished
Category: 2
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Jael (pronounced /dʒˈeɪɛ̩l/) is a complex person, she is kindhearted and soft spoken most of the time. She's sincere and playful and flirtatious, though she can be egocentric and focus on herself but maintains a good witty sense of humor to defuse situations. She can be discrete but has a rebellious streak to buck against the rules. She's intuitive with people and likes to use her wit and flirty nature to get a few things she wants along the way. She loves excitement but has a darker side, her temper. Jael is known for her temper from those who know her well, quickly flipping a switch from her kind and easy going self to an angry, aggressive, and even savage being when cornered. Her Celestial blood gives her this kindness mixed with an incredible beauty but her Dragon blood gives her a temper always just under the surface and ready to strike. If they cross her, she'll make them pay with their blood.

The duality of her different sides keep some people guessing and very often those who see her at the local tavern or walking down the street underestimate her and her abilities. She is a fighter and a survivor, better the other person's blood coat her weapons than her own coating theirs.

Special Skills

Jael is exceptionally perceptive of the world around her, having trained herself to notice even insignificant details around her and paying attention to the subtle signs when things aren't quite right. She's stealthy, able to be quiet when a situation calls for it and can be a bit intimidating even given for a woman of her beauty. Along with her skills and knowledge in survival, dungeoneering, and the arcane arts she's quite the useful party member.

Special Abilities

As an Aasimar, Jael is part Celestial, with the blood of angels running through her veins. Added to that her family has a history of blending the blood with extraordinary creatures, her blood line gives her a direct ancestry to Blue Dragons.

  • Darkvision (20 meters)
  • Daylight (1 per Day)
  • Aasimar Resistance (Cold, Acid, and Electricity)
  • Draconic Resistance (Electricity and Toughened Skin)
  • Minor Spellcasting
She has some connection to the arcane arts, she has the ability to channel and focus magical energy, but it is limited and generally weaker than that of a normal spell caster. That being said, it is innate.

Blood Familiar


This ability has allowed her to share a bond with a similar animal to her ancestry, in this case she has bonded with a Pseudodragon. Generally speaking someone with this ability must bond with a creature of lesser power than themselves. That being said, it is exceedingly rare for a bond to form with a novice at channeling their heritage to be able to attract or bond with such a creature. In the case of Jael this did not happen until she had a considerable amount of time practicing and learning about her blood lines and how to use their power.

Jael has bonded with her familiar Ellylth, a pseudodragon that shares her bloodline tracing back to the blue dragons. Lyth is about a foot long in the main body with an additional 2 feet of tail with a wingspan of about 2'9". Her body is an intense and iridescent blue color similar in shade to that of cobalt.

Ellylth Abilities / Skills

Unlike many familiars Ellylth (pronounced /ˈiːl̩ɪlθ/), or simply Lyth (pronounced /'lɪθ/), being of dragon blood means she's as intelligent as most humans, able to understand common and celestial fluently and has picked up a few phrases of other languages throughout her life although she cannot speak them. She's perceptive and stealthy owning to her keen senses across the board, but particularly keen are her sight, smell, and hearing. She has limited telepathy, able to communicate in images and words from a language she knows with those around her. While she cannot read the minds of others she is able to read simple emotions of others, especially intense ones. Primarily, this is used to communicate and make up for her lack of ability to speak. Using this ability, she can be quite diplomatic, shying away from conflict unless her chosen people are threatened.

To attack Lyth can use the claws on the tips of her wings or her tail, which is barbed, as well as her bite.

As a familiar to Jael the mutual bond grands Jael some amount of telepathy and empathy herself, able to send intense emotions and receive similar from others. For Jael, the emotions must be particularly intense on either side to sense from others or be sensed by others. For Lyth, her bond with Jael and the shared bloodline intensify her connection to her distant ancestors and has granted her an electric breath weapon similar to that of Jael herself when Jael is raging. For Lyth, she does not have to be in a similar state but Jael does. Lyth cannot use her breath weapon attack unless Jael has brought her own blood to manifest the ability.

Note, this is a non-standard ability and does not exist in the Pathfinder source material. I have also expanded the abilities of the pseudodragon from the description in the monster manual to suit my needs.

Blood Rage


Her ancestry of the Blue Dragons gives her the ability to harness the power of her blood and rage, taking on the various traits and abilities of her ancestors. Her wings and claws erupt from her body, the claws push out of her fingers and nails while the wings push out of her back, neither do damage to her body and retract without leaving scars and other damage to herself.

  • Increased Strength, Constitution, and Willpower / More Vulnerable to Attack
  • Increased Speed
  • Magical Claws (Electric Damage)
  • Protection from Friendly Magic
She is resistant to spells and other magic cast by her allies which might damage her.
  • Damage Resistance
Is able to absorb some of the damage done without adverse effect.
  • Breath Weapon (Electricity, 2 per Day)
  • Dragon Wings
While in a rage she sprouts dragon wings from her back and is able to take flight with a wingspan of about 23'4".


  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Winter Blanket
  • Trail Rations (x7)
  • Bottles Fine Wine (x2)
  • Waterskin
  • Flint and Steel

Magic Items

  • Amulet of Natural Armor
  • Cloak of Resistance
  • Headband of Inspired Wisdom
  • Ring of Protection
  • Oil of Bless Weapon
  • Potion of Cat's Grace
  • Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x4)

Armor / Shields

  • Mithral Heavy Shield
  • Mithral Chain Shirt


  • Enchanted Longsword
The blade glows purple and the sword is magically balanced and sharp.
  • Enchanted Greataxe
The axe head glows intense white light, its blades are magically sharp and it is enchanted to be especially easy to weild and hit home with.
  • Enchanted Mace
Magically balanced and intuitive, making it easy to strike true.


She woke up with no memories in an insane asylum after being cared for unconscious for a good amount of time. She left the asylum, heading to the nearby small fishing town of Thrushmore where she met the party (who had liberated the Asylum while she was unconscious) and agreed to work with them.

Jael enjoys games and being out in nature. She’s friendly, gentle, but when she’s angry a darker side comes out and she can turn very sadistic and unstable, shifting wildly to different levels of anger. Growing up her friend, Jamie, wanted to be a Knight and they often spared together. It was here that she first noticed she’s special, that she has a hidden bloodline going back to Blue Dragons. She went into a rage sparing with him and almost killed him.

She’s fit and slim, always playing at various sports games where she tends to be generous with her opponents (unless they make her angry), she has a reputation as someone to step lightly with when she’s angry.

Growing up up in a wealthy merchant family, the family kept a tight lid on the fact that her father was often drunk. Jael didn’t find out until adulthood that this man wasn’t her actual father, her mother wasn’t sure where her father was, the man had “come from the heavens” is all her mother would tell her about the man. That he’d come from above and that he was the most beautiful and graceful man she’d ever seen. She’d met him a few weeks before meeting the man she ended up marrying and never saw the him again.