
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 07:55, 25 December 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Played by: Darktrooper501
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 110 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Undead Grey Seer
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Lustria
Eye Color: red, human guise-black
Hair Color: silver, human guise-black
Figure: Anthro Rat, slim in human guise
Universe of Origin: Warhammer Fantasy Alternate Timeline
Occupation: Priest of the Great Horned Rat
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

A shrewd and cynical person, Cuetz is self serving but not cruel. Sometimes she acts in much the same way as she used to in her original form.

Special Skills

  • Scouting
  • Navigation using the stars

Special Abilities

  • Disguise - An illusion spell that obfuscates her true nature. The spell can be neutralized by any magical attacks. Additionally Cuetz can dispell it at any time and the spell lasts for as long as Cuetz has enough mana.

True Dhar

  • Dark Hand of Destruction - Talons of dark energy sprout from the fingertips of one of the caster's hands, and can be used as a weapon in hand-to-hand combat. When the caster hits an opponent with the Dark Hand, it ignores non-magical armour. Once damage has been caused once, the spell is dispelled.
  • Death Spasm - A bolt of darkness flies from the caster's fingertips to hit one individual. The spasms are so violent that they injure other around the target at half the target's strength.
  • Doombolt - The caster hurls a bolt of blazing black fire at his foe.
  • Shroud of Despair - At the caster’s command, light is driven from the battlefield and numbing darkness rushes to fill the void.
  • Soul Drain - The caster calls down a thunderstorm from a clear sky to engulf one group within 48 yards. The caster gains in their own health the more people in that group are injured. Normal armour offers no protection.
  • Soul Stealer - Tendrils of pure, solidified darkness writhe out from the wizard’s outstretched hands, draining the life force from their hapless enemies to renew their own vigour.

Chaos Magic

  • Summon Daemon Pack - Summons a number of Lesser Daemons. They appear in any unoccupied spots within the immediate area of the sorcerer and remain for one to ten minutes.
  • Winds of Darkness - The Chaos Mage is lifted from the ground by two shadowy Daemons and carried wherever he wants to go.
  • Bolt of Change - The Sorcerer hurls a single devastating bolt of energy that blasts through the ranks of the enemy, wracking their bodies with sickening and uncontrollable mutations.
  • Ghostly Flame - You conjure a small blob of glowing green fire out of thin air. It drips viscous fluid as it burns, and can be thrown at a foe. Otherwise, this petty spell generates light equivalent to a torch and remains for one hour before sputtering out.
  • Bless with Filth - A foul mist wraps around the weapons of a nearby unit and the weapons begin to drip with toxic filth.
  • Buoyant Passage - You become as buoyant as a piece of balsa wood, allowing you to tread over liquid surfaces like water, sewage, or oil as if they were solid.
  • Curse of the Horned Rat - The Dreaded Thirteenth Spell. With a sickening lurch, the fabric of reality is torn by the twisting power of the Great Horned One, turning opposition to Clanrats.
  • Cloud of Corruption - The caster releases a stinking blast of diseased fury.
  • Crackling Doom - You send a single crackling arc of green energy at any opponent within 12 yards.
  • Pelt of the Assassin - By calling upon the ever-changing chaos of the Warp, you alter the structure of your fur so that it changes colour to match your surroundings.
  • Scorch - The Skaven Sorcerer thrusts his paws into the ground while chittering fiery incantations, causing a gout of flame to burst forth.
  • Shadow's Companion - With this spell, a Skaven sorcerer can melt into the darkness simply by stepping into a shadow.
  • Skitterleap - With a "Bamf!" the Skaven Sorcerer disappears in a puff of smoke to appear elsewhere on the battlefield.
  • Stickypaws - You grant yourself the ability to walk or crawl upon walls and ceiling as fast as you could run on flat ground. Objects you carry or wear are still affected by gravity in a normal fashion, and fall to the ground if dropped.
  • Swiftscamper - You grant yourself the ability move at an increased rate.
  • Veil of Flies - With a curse and a flailing of your arms, you summon a cloud of gnats and biting flies. They swarm about you, biting and stinging your enemies.
  • Verminous Ruin - The caster summons a living tide of voracious rats that scurry forth and carve a swathe of ruin across the battlefield.
  • Warp Lightning - The Skaven points a fleshy paw and bolts of greenish-black lightning arc outward.


Originally a special Saurus temple guardian created by the Slaan. Cuetz was sent to the northern wastes to help a skaven grey seer and a necrarch defeat the cultists of Malal from summoning the terrifying Chaos God into the real world. During a raid on a cultist camp Cuetz was fatally injured but saved from death when the grey seer used the dreaded thirteenth spell on him, transforming him into a female grey seer. The now she was taken under the wing of Skretch the grey seer that transformed him.

Things would get tense after they followed the directions of the map they found in the camp that guided them to the main cultist compound. Skretch started scheming against Nerevaras but the crafty vampire had suspected as much. He convinced Cuetz to switch over to his side by offering to break her free from the horned rats influence. She accepts and he kills her to revive her as an intelligent undead. The two of them keep Skretch in check and use an arm of skaven and undead to raid the main camp just in time to stop the ritual. Skretch leaves the northern wastes but Cuetz stayed with Nerevaras for many years. She even eventually helps to train a group of empathetic grey seers, experiments of Skretch. She was a fun time with it but just like Nerevaras and Skretch, her use of chaos magic altered her personality to the point where she could not coexist with them anymore. As such she eventually decides to leave to find her own base of power. At the end of her travels she ends up traveling through the warp and into a different reality.

Human Guise