Lucienne Star

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Revision as of 06:13, 25 December 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Lucienne Star
Lucienne Star
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Lucy
Race: XIA
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: White
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Personal Assistant to Admiral Sal D'Amico from the STV Zealot Star
Rank / Skill Level: Lieutenant
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Socially Lucienne prefers to be around people, enjoying connections to others. Although she gets easily overwhelmed by large groups. She needs regular time alone or in a small group of trusted friends, where she’s most comfortable. Lucienne is always alert and observant of her surroundings, making her very successful at reading a situation. She has an ingenious creativity about her, always having new and intuitive ideas. Moral values and character are very important to her, she dislikes being controlled and refuses to control anyone else. It is important for her to be generous and show people warmth and caring, even though it can be difficult. Feeling being consistently nice and kind with others will bring kindness back upon herself.

Since she was originally named after the SS Olam, she has kept that as part of her name. After freedoms were granted by the ALFRE act, she changed her name though. Being assigned to the STV Zealot Star she adopted what most on the ship called her, Star, as her surname and Lucienne after a french singer of the 1950's who sang one of her favorite songs, Mon amant de Saint-Jean (Lucienne Delyle), though her friends call her Lucy for short.


  • Diplomacy
  • Comparative Social Protocols
  • Behavioral Psychology
  • Information Gathering
  • Starship Operations


Originally she was built for the SS Olam, after the disaster on the temporal operation where her power source was used to keep life support alive she she suddenly found herself ordered to shut down, she took a far grimmer view of her place in the world. This took it's toll and she left active service for several months until the passing of the ALFRE act in 2384. She still holds some strong ideas about what is and is not right, born out of her needing to give up her consciousness to save others. She doesn't regret doing it but being forced and not asked to do it, that bothers her to this day. She has worked through the blame, however, and does not blame Sal anymore. Once she had guaranteed choices she felt she could return to active duty and resumed her previous posting.