Soyuz Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 17:32, 25 December 2015 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
243m x 150m x 63m /w 18 decks
Crew Capacity
Cruising Speed
Warp 4
Maximum Speed
Warp 7
Burst Speed
Warp 7.43 for 5 minutes
Power Source
Fusion Reactors & Matter/antimatter Reactor
Impulse Drive & Warp Drive

Soyuze Class Starship is a Starfleet design active in the fleet during the 23rd Century until the mid 2280's when the updated design, Miranda Class Starship was commissioned to replace them. The vessel is designed with three major shuttle bays capable of deploying shuttles and shuttle pods as either attack or support vehicles in a crisis. The ship was used for defensive and emergency support services during its tenure.

By modern standards of the 24th century the shield and weapons output is rather low and would require extensive refit to meet current Starfleet standards.

Offensive Systems

  • 4 Phaser Banks (3 Emitters per Bank) in Weapons Pod
  • 6 Phaser Banks (2 Emitters per Bank) on Saucer Sections
  • 3 Photon Torpedo Launchers

Defensive Systems

  • Deflector Shields
