USS Endeavor (NCC-1884-C)

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USS Endeavor (NCC-1884-C)
Class: Miranda Class Starship
Commanding Officer: Commander James Graves
Executive Officer: Lt. Commander Argent Valeen
Quote: "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr." - Mohammed

She served as a tactical patrol vessel. She is currently assigned to patrol dangerous areas and provide assistance to local authorities for capturing or otherwise neutralizing threats to protected worlds in her area.

Service History

  • Commissioned in 2271
  • Assigned to assist in patrol duties around the Rigel system under the USS Berlin in 2269
  • Assigned to cargo and transport escort duties along the Klingon border in 2275
  • Assigned to assist in covert operations in 2277
  • Assigned as relief vessel for operations near the Romulan Neutral Zone in 2280
  • Scheduled for refit in 2282
  • Crew reassigned pending refit in 2285
  • Refit delayed indefinitely in 2288
  • Refit rescheduled in 2367 after Wolf 359
  • Command crew assigned in 2368
  • Refit completed in 2369
  • Assigned defensive patrol Sol system in 2369
  • Assigned exploratory patrol along Federation boarders in 2371
  • Assigned tactical patrol in low security areas in 2374