Kitara Yasei

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 03:08, 19 February 2017 by Left4Cake (talk | contribs)
Kitara Yasei
Played by: @Left4Cake#6713
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Wildcat
Age: 18
Place of Birth: Corneria
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Fur Color: Green
Figure: Narrow Frame, Some Muscle Tone.
Universe of Origin: StarFox Universe
Occupation: Combat Pilot for Hire


Over Cofindent, Eager

Special Skills

  • Metal Legs: Like everyone who is a pilot in her universe. They actually don't help during flight, but rather enable her to move on the ground better. She can run just above what the fastest human athlete at 30 mph how ever she still will get tired if she run that fast for any period of time.
  • Piloting: She is an exceptional pilot can she can fly many space vehicles but her talents show most in an Arwing with it's high maneuverability and ability to crate shield while doing Aerial Rolls (called barrel rolls in her universe)


  • Blaster Pistol: Can fire low powered energy lasers at high speed. Intended to slow down and stun opponents rather then kill, but can dent armor if fired enough times.


She flys a recreation of the Star Fox teams Arwing. What makes her's unique is that she also implemented the use of transforming into the walker. She doesn't know where exactly she got the idea... it just came to her one night.



She had always wanted to be a pilot growing up, and once she heard of Star Fox and there deeds that lead to the end of the Lylat Wars. She knew she wanted to be great as them one day. She originally trained with the cornerian army and even reached high ranks but after a while she felt they were a bit too restrictive so she took off to find her place and hopefully, form her own team.