Ember Idalia Thomas

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 02:18, 6 October 2022 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Ember Idalia Thomas
Height: 5'
Weight: 95 lbs
Race: Human Hybrid
Type: Half Betazoid
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Pink / Red
Figure: Thin and sensual
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Ember is self-assured and blunt, she loves to argue and loves even more to win. She is analytical and revels in her alone time where she can take her time and think. She is contemplative about anything and everything with a thirst for knowledge and a rebellious streak when the rules don't make sense to her. She can be hurtful and intimidating tending toward a tactless kind of honesty that rubs many the wrong way. Generally, she prefers to be alone rather than around people -- with the exception of her twin sister. She's joyful and enthusiastic most of the time, unless pressed, and then can become indecisive if she doesn't feel like she's had enough time to think about an issue.

Special Abilities

  • Highly Intelligent
  • Very Analytical Mind
  • Affinity for Science & Mathematics
  • Magic User with Affinity for Elemental force of Storms and Ice

Special Skills

  • Mathematics & Chemistry
  • Thurdomancy and Cryomancy


Daughter of Lance Thomas and Kaylanna Ravel, identical twin of Eliane Fiammetta Thomas.