Erva Firebreath

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 05:37, 5 September 2021 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Erva Firebreath
Played by: Darktrooper501
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 210lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Age: 67
Place of Birth: Kingdom of Vukolth
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: None
Figure: Draconic
Universe of Origin: OC
Occupation: Scholar-Mage in training
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Reserved but very curious and in pursuit of academic advancement. She tends to ignore her priorities if an interesting and difficult mystery or puzzle is presented to her.


Higher Education
Erva received higher education in many subjects from language to politics to magic. Additionally she is capable of reading and writing in multiple languages including elvish, drow, common, and draconic.
Erva is knowledgeable in creating potions that can be used for healing, temporarily increasing stamina and temporarily increasing mana.

Special Abilities

  • Draconic fire magic
  • Draconic lighting magic
  • Draconic ice magic
  • Item enchantment
Is able imbue items with magical energy the limit to how strong the magic is determined by the users magical aptitude.
  • Beast summoning
Erva is able summon giant beasts to aid her in battle. The beasts are not magical and do not exceed the size of 60 feet long. She can only summon one beast at a time.


Erva was hatched in the Kingdom of Vukolth. From an early age she showed a high aptitude for magic and a sharp mind. As soon as she turned seven she was enrolled in Ayphur Academy where she was taught the some of what she knows. Within a few years she had advanced enough to start learning magic and from there her troubles began. With how fast she learned the material she developed a habit of questioning her teachers and disobeying school rules to experiment in new ways of using magic. It was that drive that led her to achieving her greatest triumph and led to her being kicked out of the academy. She developed a method of summoning the various monstrous reptilian creatures that inhabit her homeland. While the magic didn’t directly fall under any known forbidden magic the other mages like the majority of dragons were very traditionalist. This new magic was seen as heresy and she was not only expelled from the academy but was also banished from her homeland. Erva wandered the mortal lands for a very long time continuing her learning and honing her magic. It was in these years that she learned both alchemy and how to enchant objects. As her knowledge grew she yearned to return home and free her fellow dragons from the shackles of tradition. She returned much stronger than when she had left but despite this the combined might of the seven arch-mages proved too much for her and she was beaten. This time however the head mage decided that simply casting her back to the mortal lands was not enough. She was to be banished to another realm were, they hoped, she would be stuck in for the rest of her days. Now finding herself in Soteria the dragoness bides her time once again traveling the world and trying to learn all she can in the hopes that her skill in magic, sharp mind, and naturally long draconic life will eventually yield the secret to returning home.