Caladhris Twice-Born

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Cladhris, the Twice-Born
Alias: Twice-Born
Category: 4
Status: NPC

Caladhris is a figure shrouded in darkness and driven by an insatiable hunger for power. His personality is marked by callousness and a lack of empathy, viewing others as mere instruments to further his own ambitions. With an unsettling arrogance born from his formidable magical prowess, he exudes an air of superiority, though an underlying unease lingers within him. Terrifyingly brutal in his anger, he leaves a trail of destruction in his wake, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Beneath the surface, however, lies a hidden vulnerability that hints at a softer side. Buried within his heart is an unquenchable yearning for the family he lost, a longing for love and connection. This profound sense of loss serves as a weakness, a fragile crack in his otherwise impenetrable facade. Despite his ruthless demeanor, he is haunted by memories of his slain kin, aching for the warmth of familial bonds. This vulnerability, carefully guarded from the world, represents a stark contrast to the darkness that defines him and serves as a poignant reminder that even the most formidable individuals are not immune to the enduring echoes of love and loss. Driven by an unwavering resolve to acquire power and dominance, Caladhris treads a path of calculated manipulation and relentless pursuit, forever haunted by the shadows of his past.

Special Abilities

Dreamweaver's Veil
Caladhris possesses the extraordinary ability to enter the realm of dreams with unparalleled ease and skill. With a mere thought, he can slip into the slumbering minds of individuals, navigating the ethereal landscapes of their dreamscape with finesse and precision.
Illusionary Charisma
Caladhris has honed his magical prowess to project an irresistible aura of charm and charisma. Through the subtle manipulation of illusions, he can enhance his physical appearance, voice, and demeanor, enchanting those who encounter him and bending their perceptions to align with his desires.
Mindsculptor's Influence
Drawing upon his profound understanding of the complexities of the human mind, Caladhris possesses the ability to subtly influence the thoughts, emotions, and decisions of others. With a delicate touch, he can sow seeds of doubt, ignite passions, or instill fear, subtly shaping the minds of his targets to align with his own agenda.
Enchanter's Whisper
Caladhris has mastered the art of persuasive manipulation through the power of enchantment. With a mere whisper or a touch, he can infuse his words with a subtle enchanting spell, bending the will of those who hear him and compelling them to act in accordance with his wishes.

Special Skills

Elemental Manipulation
Caladhris possesses an innate command over the elemental forces, allowing him to shape and manipulate fire, water, air, and earth to his will. He can summon blazing infernos, conjure raging storms, part the seas, and reshape the very landscape with his elemental mastery.
Arcane Warding
Through meticulous study and experimentation, Caladhris has developed formidable defensive techniques. He can erect powerful magical barriers, shielding himself and others from physical and mystical harm. These wards can repel spells, deflect projectiles, and fortify the defenses of those under his protection.
Astral Projection
With a profound understanding of the ethereal realms, Caladhris can project his consciousness beyond the confines of his physical body. Through astral projection, he can traverse vast distances, explore other dimensions, and gather information from distant lands or realms unreachable by conventional means.
Caladhris has honed his skills in the intricate art of transmutation, the ability to transform one substance into another. With a focused mind and intricate incantations, he can transmute base metals into precious ones, heal wounds through alchemical means, and alter the very nature of objects around him.
Time Manipulation
Through his mastery of time magic, Caladhris can manipulate the flow of time in localized areas. He can slow down or hasten time, creating temporal pockets where moments stretch or compress, granting him a tactical advantage or confounding his adversaries.
Caladhris has delved deep into the mysteries of the soul, acquiring the skill to forge powerful soul bonds. He can forge connections with other beings, granting them enhanced abilities, sharing knowledge, or linking their fates together. These bonds can empower allies or manipulate enemies, establishing an unbreakable connection between souls.
Delving into the forbidden arts, Caladhris has dabbled in the realm of necromancy. He possesses the ability to raise and control the dead, commanding skeletal warriors or animating corpses to do his bidding. This dark magic grants him an army of loyal minions or a fearsome force to wield against his enemies.
Spatial Manipulation
Caladhris possesses the skill to manipulate space itself, bending and warping the fabric of reality. He can create portals to traverse vast distances instantly, open dimensional gateways, or even imprison adversaries in pocket dimensions from which escape seems impossible.
Drawing upon his intricate understanding of the arcane arts, Caladhris has mastered the skill of divination. Through scrying, tarot reading, or communing with cosmic energies, he can unveil hidden truths, glimpse into the future, or perceive events transpiring in distant locations.
Enchantment Mastery
Caladhris has become an unparalleled enchanter, infusing objects with potent magical energies. He can imbue weapons with elemental properties, create protective amulets, or enchant everyday items with hidden spells that grant special abilities or provide aid in times of need.


Caladhris, born into abject poverty, experienced a childhood marred by tragedy. At a tender age, he witnessed the brutal massacre of his entire family, leaving him as the sole survivor. Forced to fend for himself on the unforgiving streets, he narrowly escaped the clutches of those seeking unpaid debts from his family. The harsh realities of his early life forged an unquenchable hunger for power within him, a deep-rooted desire to rise above his circumstances.

Determined to escape his destitute existence, Caladhris immersed himself in the world of magic. Every waking moment was spent devouring books on arcane knowledge, tirelessly seeking to unlock the secrets that lay hidden within the ancient tomes. Despite his meager beginnings, he managed to secure admission to the finest academy of Magic in his youth, where he honed his skills and expanded his understanding of the arcane arts. Yet, no matter how much knowledge he amassed, the hunger for power remained insatiable.

Within Caladhris, a darkness dwelled from his earliest days. It was as if a switch could be flipped, extinguishing all feeling, all emotion, leaving only a seething anger in its wake. This raging anger, fueled by his profound hatred for the gods who had taken his family from him, threatened to consume anyone who dared stand in his path. The depths of his hatred became the driving force behind his insatiable thirst for power, a relentless pursuit that would ultimately shape his destiny and set him on a collision course with the divine forces he despised.

Defying Fate

In his relentless pursuit to subvert the will of the Fates of Harmony, Discord, and Imbre, Caladhris, the Twice-Born, employed various manipulative tactics. With a deep understanding of the threads of destiny, he sought to corrupt prophecies, infusing them with half-truths that distorted their intended meanings and veered them away from the path prescribed by the Fates. Through cunning whispers, he skillfully wove misleading narratives, blending fragments of truth with deceptions to manipulate the perceptions and decisions of leaders. But his influence did not stop there. Using his formidable magical abilities, Caladhris ventured into the ethereal realm of dreams, where he infiltrated the subconscious minds of influential figures, subtly steering their thoughts and desires away from the will of the Fates and the Old Gods themselves. In these intricate manipulations, Caladhris sought to shape the course of events according to his own design, defying the divine order that governed the realm.

Punishment of the Gods - Twice Born

In order to prevent Caladhris from ascending and further increasing his power, the Fates beseech the aid of Onos, the God of Keeping, who holds the essence of all divine power. Onos, recognizing the threat posed by Caladhris, grants the Fates permission to intervene in the flow of time. With this authority, they journey back through the annals of history to the very moment of Caladhris' birth, determined to shape his destiny.

The Fates weave new threads of existence around him, altering his lineage and imposing restrictions upon his life force. They change the very song of his being, binding him irrevocably to the mortal realm. In a pact forged with the Queen of the Fae, who pledges the eternal tethering of Caladhris to mortality, the Fates ensure that he will forever remain confined within a fae body, neither fully mortal nor truly divine. This new existence grants him the immortality of the fae, ensuring he will never die, yet deprives him of the ability to defy the gods or alter the course of events. Caladhris becomes an eternal observer, forced to watch helplessly as the events unfold, forever denied the power to shape his own fate.