Sir James

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Sir james
Played by: Ice
Height: 6'1 ft
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 31
Place of Birth: Magfirson
Eye Color: A very strange, light blue color almost as if his eyes are glowing.
Hair Color: light blue
Figure: Muscular
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Magium Knight
Rank / Skill Level: Expert at swords, Expert at wielding the Magium Lance. Expert of magic.
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Stern, honourable,

James Pool

3 energy is restored every turn.

Special Skills

  • Magium Plate-

Nearly all Magium Knights are supplied with plate armour, with very few exceptions. This armor is very finely made while using nearly pure neutral to enchant the armour itself to give better protection to the user, making the plate used very durable unlike average plate armor.

  • Magium Lance

The Magium Lance is one of the many weapons that the Magium Knights are able to specialize in. The Magium Lance is a mix between a sword, shield, and a lance / spear. The Magium lance is able to drain the user’s power to charge the crystal within the Magium Lance without using too much of the user’s power at once useless manually charged. The Magium lance is exceptionally well crafted and very durable, however a good hit at the lance's splitting point could permenantly seperate the lance which would then required to be repaired, however, all the other parts are very difficult to break. The bottom of the lance is sometimes used like a large mace, being able to be swong around with the potential of leaving dents or damage in things it could hit. The top of the lance is usually used more however, being able to create a sharp arcanic blade on the top of it, similiar to a spear of sorts. The bottom of the lance is also runed with particular neutral magic allowing the user to channel their magic into it allowing them to create a shield. Since the magium Lance can be seperated into what is almost a sword and shield, they are one of the few knights they don't carry a normal sword with them.

While the Magium Lance is able to be seperated, it is required for the user to first pull on it, then twist to the right and then pull once again, it requires a bit of strength to do thing so it is somewhat hard to simply pull the lance apart.


  • Magium Crystal’s Arcane Pool: 50
  • Power Drain-

Every turn or simply naturally, as long as the user is holding onto the grip of the Lance, it will automatically suck the user’s energy safely and smoothly into the crystal, restoring 1 energy to the crystal, this particular way does not sap enough energy from the users pool to reduce their energy. The user is able to enhance this by concentrating their magic on their hands restoring 6 energy a turn at the cost of 3 energy from the user. Alternatively, the lance can be separated and manually charged to completely restore the crystal's energy, this however uses energy and will use 25 of the users energy to fully restore the crystal.

  • Arcane Lance Blade-

The user is able to manipulate the crystal within the lance to add an arcane blade to the end of the lance, this arcane blade is extremely sharp and with enough force could cut through metals, specifically used to pierce hard armour, hide or any other creatures or enemies that a Magium knight could come upon. The Lance does not have to be put together to use this ability.

This ability uses 5 energy a turn from the crystal. This ability requires an action which takes about 2 seconds to enable.

  • Concentrated Arcane Blast-

The user is able to blast a concentrated arcane blast using the front of the lance. Unlike a normal blast from what might be casted from a hand or a staff or the such, this is fairly compact and while it is not a piercing attack, it will still leave quite a mark on anything it might hit. The lance does not have to be put together to be used. This ability uses 10 energy from the crystal per use, this spell can be casted nearly instantly. This ability is able to be used while the Arcane Blade is active but it will cancel the arcane blade.

  • Charged Arcane Blast-

The user is able to charge a very powerful arcane blast, this is usually used to attack targets from afar using the lance. This ability has incredible piercing abilities and is able to even go through walls potentially. This can be thought similiar to a sniper.

This ability uses 50 energy from the crystal per use. This has incredible piercing potential. This attack takes 15 seconds (or 2 turns in total) to fully charge up, once fully charged the energy can be held in place until the right moment. While it is charged the crystal is able to restore its lost energy per turn through natural means. The lance must be put together to use this ability.

  • Arcane Explosion-

This ability uses the bottom side of the lance. The crystal can be used to send arcane magic in an explosion like fashion out of the large opening, this badly damaging anything standing in the way of the arcane explosion as like as their within the distance of the explosion, (At least 20 feet away, getting weaker as you get further back.) This ability has the ability to break things and potentially knock down weak or moderately protected doors. The lance must be put together to use this ability. This ability use 25 energy from the crystal per use. This takes 1 second to fully charge up.

  • Arcane Shield-

If the bottom of the Lance is ever seperated, the user is able to channel their magic into the many runes that are on the lance, allowing it to create an arcane shield, without the runes however it would be harder to keep the shield stabalized or the user would have to put a lot of their concentration or power into the shield. However, because the shield is of arcane power, almost all elemental attacks will not be efficient against it and easily stopping them. Physical attacks however could potentially shatter the Arcane shield but it would have to hit hard enough. Piercing attacks, as long as it is not an elemental attack of sorts, has the best bet of shattering the shield and can usually go through it. If shattered for any reason, it cannot be restored for 5 turns. This ability uses 8 energy per turn. The lance MUST be seperated to use this ability. (Side note: Ground is not an element of magic.) (List of elements the Arcane shield is immune to: Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Plasma, Air, Lava Blood magic, (Will add as I remember the rest) (Simply put, this can almost be considered an anti magic shield)

  • Arcanic imbue-

This allows the user to use their own magic power to imbue the bottom the lance with arcane power, allowing the user to use it as an even better mace, causing materials and hopefully people to bend to its will. Not much more can be said This can be instantly casted. This can only be casted as long as the lance is together and it is held by the top.

  • Magium Barrier-

This allows the user to place the Lance into the ground, usually using the Arcanic Blade causing the lance to become more or less stuck into th ground. The user is then able to make it so the Lance emits a large Aranic shield, draining the crystal's power every turn until there is none left or it is somehow destroyed. This barrier is just about as strong as the Arcane shield but the barrier takes up quite a bit more space. This however makes the Lance completely unusable without interrupting the barrier. The barrier can either be placed on one side, or be double sided. If double sided the only way to interrupt the barrier without spending time cracking at a shield is to dispel the barrier itself which is rather difficult to do using neutral magic, but Magium Lance users learn this specific dispel spell just for this occassion. Dispel cost: 25 Barrier uses 5 energy per turn.

  • Arcanic Laser-

Using the bottom the lance, the user is able to concentrate a focused beam attack of pure arcane energy at something. This however uses energy rather quickly but if taken directly it can be truly devastating having a constant amount of arcanic magic going against the enemy or what ever might in the in Laser's detructive path. The lance must be fully together to use this ability. Laser uses 20 energy a turn from the crystal, takes 5 seconds to charge up.

  • Flame Thrower-

Using the bottom the lance, the user is able to concentrate their own magic to create fire to spur out of the end of the Lance to smother anything that might be in it's way with flames. This particular ability does not use the crystal and drains the user's magic directly. The lance must be together to use this ability. Costs 5 magic a turn. This can be casted instantly.

  • Crystal Shatter-

Usually used a last resort. while the lance is seperated, the user is able to point the top side of the lance with the crystal and shatter it by over powering the crystal with everything they have, causing a massive arcanic explosion of unpredictability.(at least 80 or so feet) This will most likely badly hurt the user and anything within the distance. This will usually scatter pure arcane magic around the area as well. This will also usually destroy the top half of the lance in the process as well as the crystal. This takes 2 - 10 seconds to charge up, depending on the charge of the crystal initially.


(This is stuff seperate from the Magium Lance and does not even need the Magium lance at all. What is simply list is commonly used spells.)

  • Wind Boost: This allows the user to boost themselve using wind magic, allowing them to propel themselves some where. This barely uses enough energy to James to be noteable.
  • Arcane Blast: This allows the user to shoot an arcane blast from their hand, this is similiar to the one from the magium lance but it isn't as powerful and takes time to actually cast making it a bit more predictable.

Uses 10 energy and takes 2 seconds to cast.

Arcane barrier: Similar to all the other barriers but requires concentration and is usually used more for a reactionary ability to stop something rather than a shield.

Uses 25 energy, casted almost instantly.


  • Magfirion’s Oath-

All Magium Knights take an oath once they come to age, using a powerful relic within the universe that will bind them to that oath using a curse that is connected directly to the person’s energy and life force. If the terms of the curse are ever broken, then the person is instantly killed. Due to the power of the curse however, the relic uses its immense amount of energy to keep supplying power to any curses it has given and while it can supply energy of the curses through other dimension, it cannot go through other universes however.

  • Master of Arcane magic-

Arcane Magic is extremely hard to learn, as usually wizards will use a variant of arcane magic, with pure arcane magic being almost within everything in James’s world. It takes a long time and hard training to hone the body to be able to cast and handle casting pure arcane magic, which is the most powerful arcanic magic within the universe without using some sort of forbidden magic, a relic or other such things. Usually wizards work up to Arcane magic by practicing other magic types from the Arcane magic within them and in the universe, but in its purest form, Arcane magic is almost all types of magic put into one attack. All Magium Knights are required to learn Arcane magic and to hone it for themselves before they are able to be considered a Knight. In doing so, James’s has honed his body and magic capacity to handle pure Arcane Magic. Due to the fact that Sir James specializes in using arcane magic, he is also able to cast all of the elemental magic with proficiency, which use less magic power than arcane magic. This is due to the fact that Arcane Magic puts all types of magic together for Arcane.

  • Magium crystals--

Magium crystals are similar to normal arcane crystals that can be found growing out in nature, however they are made by Magium knights using their own arcane power which takes quite a while to do so. Magium crystals can then be enchanted by neutral magic giving it that “magium” spark. The enchantment isn’t too major but still requires a bit of skill honing a person’s neutral magic ability either way. The enchantment allows to make the Crystal stronger than wild arcane crystals so if the crystal completely runs out of arcane power it does not shatter. The Magium crystal with its enchantment can also be honed to do specific things, and is usually used in many of Magium Knights weapons. They do eventually run out of magic power eventually requiring to be recharged in some way or form, they can however hold a fair amount of magic power, unlike wild arcane crystals.