Jace Whatley

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 15:48, 3 September 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Jace Whatley
Jace Whatley
Played by: Inqueling on Discord
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 1764 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Duridian
Age: 26 / 3rd Mark of Forima of the year of the Dragon
Place of Birth: The Planet of Duri
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Tall, firm but not overly muscled
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Engineering
Rank / Skill Level: Ensin / Low level officer

Smart, and curious. Young, officer type, that enjoys getting into a ruckus from time to time. Appears to look human.

Special Skills

  • good with Math and Mechanics.
  • solid hand to hand combatant and knows his way around a general issue blater.
  • He's born in the "year of the Dragon" which gives him a particularly ferocious attitude towards protecting that which is dear to him. They call this the Dragon's Lair attitude. To be part of his "lair" is akin to being family.
  • Jaces' body is exceptionally dense. His planet 5 times more massive than terra and his body is extreamly durable to match that increase in gravity.
  • Everything from Duri is considerably more hardy and durable than other planets. As such the people of Duri don't like to leave home, and often require a return for those that do leave. It is not known if this is for cultural or health reasons. Duridian's typically look human but when they take a plasma blast to the chest and don't flinch, its often the first clue.
  • They're stronger, tougher, and can generally move faster in what they consider to be the "light" gravity they find everyone else to live by.
    • Once injured, take just as long as anyone else to heal, and can't often be treated by conventional equipment or doctors, posses special Duridian first aid kit


Jace had to win a right of leave from his people to join the ranks of the "starwalkers." His people tend to stick to their planet but he was one of the outgoing ones. He wanted to leave his home and travel among the stars. In order to do this he had to pass trials of worthyness in order to bring honor to his people. This included but was not limited to mental, physical, and personal ethical tests. He was required to be in the top of his generation and then trained in his peoples way of behavior and culture. Upon his completion of these trials, he was awarded a Arkian. Arkian's are knives forged on Duri, and like its people, tend to be suprior to metals found on other planets. Jace keeps his on him at all times.