Haroon Rakshan

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Haroon Rakshan
Haroon Rakshan
Height: 6'3"
Race: Undead
Type: Skeleton
Formerly Human
Eye Color: Electric Blue
Figure: Skeletal, wearing remains of human clothes, instead of eyes electric blue sparks are in the skull
Status: NPC
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Haroon Rakshan, the eternal guardian of Zahra Neferankh's spirit, is fiercely protective of her memory and the secrets she holds. In his transformed state as a living skeleton, he manifests as a formidable and relentless protector. Haroon perceives anyone who intrudes upon the place where Zahra was tragically taken from him as an immediate threat. Without warning, he unleashes his magical powers and engages intruders in battle, driven by an unwavering determination to keep Zahra's spirit safe from harm.


When intruders cross the threshold, Haroon's attacks are swift and relentless. He employs a variety of powerful magical abilities, unleashing bolts of spectral energy and conjuring ethereal guardians to assist him in driving away or neutralizing those who pose a threat. Haroon's attacks are accompanied by chilling whispers that carry his warning, urging intruders to turn away before they face the full extent of his wrath.

However, Haroon's protective nature is not without nuance. Deep within his spectral heart, he harbors a glimmer of hope that someone pure of heart and genuine in their intentions may uncover the truth behind Zahra's fate and the wisdom she sought to protect. In such instances, Haroon may choose to test the intruders, challenging them to prove their worthiness and righteousness before allowing them to proceed further.

Haroon Rakshan's relentless defense of Zahra's spirit and the knowledge she holds serves as a constant reminder of the consequences of trespassing upon sacred ground. His attacks are swift and unforgiving, a testament to the lengths he will go to protect his beloved wife's memory from those who would exploit it.

Special Abilities

Spectral Resilience
As a living skeleton, Haroon is immune to conventional forms of physical harm and is impervious to aging or decay. His skeletal form grants him enhanced endurance, enabling him to withstand attacks and endure in his eternal quest to protect Zahra's legacy.
Necromantic Magic
Haroon wields potent necromantic magic, tapping into the powers of life and death. He can harness this magic to conjure ethereal guardians, manipulate spectral energy, and cast spells that repel or incapacitate those who threaten Zahra's legacy.
Vengeful Fury
Haroon's transformation into an avatar of vengeful destruction grants him immense power in moments of battle. His rage and determination amplify his physical strength and magical abilities, enabling him to deliver devastating blows and unleash destructive forces upon his enemies.
Aura of Warding
Haroon emanates an aura of warding, creating a protective barrier around Zahra's spirit and her secrets. This aura acts as a deterrent, repelling those with malicious intentions and making it difficult for them to access the knowledge or harm Zahra's memory.
Memory Manipulation
Haroon possesses the ability to manipulate memories, selectively revealing or concealing fragments of Zahra's knowledge to those he deems worthy or unworthy. This power allows him to guide seekers on the righteous path while preventing the misuse of her wisdom.
Astral Projection
Haroon can project his consciousness into the ethereal realm, granting him heightened perception and the ability to traverse spiritual planes. This ability allows him to sense potential threats or allies, extending his reach beyond the physical realm to safeguard Zahra's legacy.


In a fateful turn of events, Zahra Neferankh, driven by her insatiable thirst for knowledge, unearthed a secret of immense power and consequence. Haunted by its implications, she guarded it fiercely, even at the cost of her own life. Witnessing his wife's demise and fueled by her last desire to protect her discoveries, Haroon Rakshan, her devoted husband, summoned every ounce of his remaining power. Transforming into an avatar of vengeful destruction, his existence became etched with the purpose of safeguarding Zahra's findings from falling into the wrong hands. Haroon's being radiates with the essence of his wife's final wish, his sole reason for existence intertwining with the undying protection of her legacy.