Light Saber

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 16:29, 11 October 2016 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Current 4th Generation

A light saber is a technological device that works by pushing super-heated plasma energy into a shape contained by a powerful force field. The result is the formation of a super-heated "blade" of sorts. The first light saber was encountered by the USS Rising Sun (NCC-465) under the command of Admiral Lance Thomas. The weapon was encountered during an early testing of the Time Displacement Equipment during development.

The incident is documented in Cartwheel Galaxy Jump via T.D.E., though the information is highly classified.


Admiral Thomas brought back only one example of this rather incredible weapon. Gold Team began the initial investigation into the device and when they had sufficient information on its design, they handed the information over to Green Team for engineering.

While the power source of the original model is not fully understood, Green Team developed a cartridge style device which uses a pair of subatomic fissures in space-time to draw in high energy plasma from the subspace phase transition layers interacting between the two fissures. The reaction is tightly controlled via a fusion battery. The saber can sustain power for significant periods of time and uses very little power while the fissures are dampened and the blade force field is not in operation.

Other Designs


During development of the original prototypes Animas Tempus acquired one of the prototypes of the device and related its function and strong resemblance to a series of artifacts which had been in their possession for some time. The Energy Hilt works in similar, though unexplained, ways and Animas Tempus holds that wherever Admiral Thomas acquired the technological device, is perhaps the originating location of the artifacts. The exact methods of transportation to the Cartwheel Galaxy is not on file, at least, in any way known to Animas Tempus and repeated attempts to gain access to the method of transport there for research has been rebuffed.