Ates Panlok Star System

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Type: K2V Orange Main Sequence
Radius: 6.27 x 105 km (0.90 of Sol)
Mass: 1.60 x 1030 kg (0.80 of Sol)
Temperature: 4600 K
Luminosity: 1.25 x 1026 W (0.33 of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 0.458 and 1.124 AU
Location: Nibara Sector
3.2 ly from the Durtaria Halo Star System
4.5 ly from the Urtos Remarth Star System

An orange main sequence star, similar in size to Earth's sun but only about a third as bright. There are 5 plants in the system and 1 asteroid belt. In 2387 the STV Minotaur conducted an extensive survey of the system in preparation for Operation Flintlock.

Ates Panlok Prime

Class: B
Distance: 2.49 x 107 km (0.40 AU)
Period: 103.8 Days
Radius: 6,531.45 km (1.03 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.95 G

Roughly the same size as Earth it is too close to the star to sustain most life forms, the surface temperature is high and while there are some carbon-cycle life forms, they barely cling to life.

Ares Panlok 2

Class: H
Distance: 9.66 x 107 km (0.65 AU)
Period: 211.2 Days
Radius: 5,954.16 km (0.93 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.89 G

This is a desert world composed mostly of iron and silicate. The planet is within the habitable zone of this star but only maintains a thin atmosphere which is highly toxic to most human life. There is no liquid surface water, though there is 18% ice coverage at the poles. This planet has a single moon.

In 2387 when the STV Minotaur surveyed the planet, they located a single person stranded on the planet, Barlinna Rahl, who had been spliced onto the planet's surface from another reality.


Class: B
Distance: 7927.94 km
Period: 115 Days
Radius: 3,454.71 km (0.54 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.53 G

This rather large moon is volcanically active and maintains a very thin atmosphere. The interaction between this world and its parent is prominent causing both planets to wobble in their orbits.

Ares Panlok 3

Class: K
Distance: 1.19 x 108 km (0.79 AU)
Period: 287.9 Days
Radius: 6,154.39 km (0.97 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.91 G

Another world similar to Earth, this one exists nearing the colder end of the habitable zone. It has an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, though thin the world could be adapted to support humanoid life.

Ares Panlok 4

Class: P
Distance: 1.24 AU
Period: 1.53 Years
Radius: 7,280.00 km (1.14 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.26 G

A frozen world composed of thick layers of permafrost over an iron-silicate core. The atmosphere is oxygen-argon with trace amounts of nitrogen.

Asteroid Belt

This asteroid belt orbits a mean distance of 2.17 AU and an average depth of 235,000 km. Asteroids are composed mostly of iron, silicates, magnesium, and trace mounts of titanium.

Ares Panlok 5

Class: I
Distance: 3.82 AU
Period: 8.32 Years
Radius: 31,290.94 km
Gravity: 1.73 G

Typical ice giant planet. Small rocky core with layers of frozen hydrocarbons / ice and an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium.