Mark 4 Archangel Power Armor

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 02:28, 22 December 2020 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (→‎Flight)

the ArchAngel MK 4 armor is an upgraded version of an old design for Archangel Armor design which was introduced by William / Xoshkic Fable and after additional upgrades and work the suit has become a staple for his TACCOM squad, Squad 7. These armors have been given the nickname by many as Black Angel armor, mostly due to their coloration and use in the various mission types that TACCOM teams are sent on.

This suit is designed to be fully sealable., allowing them to work in both hazardous, and non-atmospheric environments. The helmets have a built in rebreather system, to make oxygen use more efficient. As part of working in hazardous and non-atmospheric environments, the suit is equipped with a two piece jet system, allowing them to both maneuver in space and in the air with relative ease. While the suits cannot match high speed craft in speed and acceleration, a skilled user can give such craft a challenge. The suits are also equipped with a grappling hook system and mag-lock boots, allowing them to function in zero-G or boarding a ship through their hull. This also can allow the users to participate in combat along the exterior of the ship.


The armor plates use a durable tritanium composite alloy and provides adequate defense for most combat situations. During tests the armor has been able to withstand light and medium rounds. Tests have shown that anti-infantry rounds can pierce through the armor in up to two shots in the torso area. Armor piercing rounds can still prove very effective against the armor plates, this is a tradeoff with the tritanium composite being designed to give increased protection from energy weapons such as phaser, disruptor, and polaron beam / pulses. Though antiproton weapons can still cause heavy damage when a direct hit is sustained.

On Board Systems

The suit is equipped with its own power source, computer, communications, and life support.

Power Source

A deuterium fusion reactor system powers certain functions of the suit, such as life support, and the flight systems. While both do not require much power, it can take a little while to recharge the flight batteries which power the thrusters and engines. These are the primary power draw, as the life support system is fairly passive during normal usage. Nominally the power source can last for approximately 8-10 hours of use, depending on how much of that time is spent flying. The on board computer will monitor power usage and make recommendations to maximize longevity.

Life Support

The suit is equipped with a specialized life support system to allow them to handle dangerous environments, and use rebreathers for extra efficiency, this allows the suits to handle non-breathable environments very well, the suits can also have an extra external tank connected to it for extra long durations. When re-exposed to a breathable atmosphere, the suit will vent any CO2 build up and recharge the built in life support system... in essence the suit appears to breath when it’s able to. The suit without an external tank is estimated to last for several hours before running low on Oxygen. With an external tank, it is estimated that they can last a day before needing to resupply.


There is an onboard computer within the suit though an ECC embedded with the suits fusion reactor. The ECC Is designed to control the suit and manage the suits systems. While a more sophisticated ECC can be used, a lighter end unit is generally installed. Again the suit is designed to be used as part of a team with access to more computing power. When used in conjunction with a Solas Tempus Communicator or with access to the computer system aboard a starship or within a larger Solas Tempus facility / vehicle the suit can offload significant processing to these external sources. Doing this allows more power to be reserved for the combat and motor assist for the user.


The suit creates and uses a dynamically encrypted small-area subspace network but is also capable of using conventional subspace and even RF radio transmissions to coordinate with other ground forces. Each suit can effectively communicate with other suits of the same type or even other armors used by Solas Tempus. The suit can link into the user's Solas Tempus Communicator and augment itself and the communicator through resource sharing. This leads to increased range and capabilities from the additional processing power offload. The system is also designed to use BlueNet to allow its own sensors and computing system to be augmented with information from any and all resources connected to BlueNet.


The sensors on the suit encompass most of the electromagnetic spectrum, from the long wave spectrum of conventional radio up into the high end of gamma radiation. The sensor system is combat oriented, this means it focuses on targeting and mapping. Though the communications system does allow the suit to interface with more sophisticated sensor suits and processing, effectively allowing the suit to offload more complex processing to another system which analyses the data it is given. The suit is most effective in line-of-sight situations with its sensors and within a short range around the suit.

Cybernetic Option

While the suit does not require a cybernetic connection, it can become more effective such a connection using a head jack or other connection into the user's central nervous system. When connected the armor can feed its sensor information directly into the users nervous system and assist the user in such efforts as aiming. The suit will also become more intuitive if it is able to read the user's intentions, though to be effective in this way the user must be trained in how to work well with the suit. Untrained cybernetic usage is not recommended. Using cybernetic connection, the suit can increase both dexterity and agility significantly by being aware of what the user is doing with their muscles in real time.


The armor provides two primary systems to augment the abilities of the wearer. If a cybernetic connection is in use, these systems will become more effective. Training is required to ensure safe / effective operation of the armor.

Motor Assistance

With a full suite of on board motor assistance technology the suit can effectively increase the wearers strength by an order of magnitude for short periods of time, though this is an increased power draw. During normal usage the suit allows the wearer increased strength and some increased land speed, though it is important to note that both require training to be used safely and effectively. Untrained usage can cause the suit to actually physically damage the user's body.


While the original armor design provided by Xoshic Fable provides for a jump jet system, the upgraded power systems as well as a directed anti-graviton field generator allow for sustained flight, though the jump jets can still be used. Rather than being powered by conventional explosive fuel, they are a modified ion propulsion system designed to work with the anti-graviton field. Flight can last for up to 30 minutes of sustained usage. The anti-graviton field is stronger closer to the ground, for flight at high speed the armor should not be taken above 4.5 meters from the ground. Higher elevations are possible but will limit flight speed and reduce duration. The suits jump jets can achieve significantly higher flight in short bursts, sticking to their original design purpose of allowing the users to quickly scale tall objects in a single bound. For stability the suits ion propulsion uses thrusters on the back and on the calves allowing for maximum stability and flight control.

Sustained flight uses a power reserve which is fueled by the fusion reactor. After 30 minutes of total sustained flight that power reserve is exhausted. Recharging the reserve during operation is not possible during operation. This means that while the suit power may last significantly longer if flight is disabled and that reserve is drained, it cannot be restored without shutting down the armor entirely. The suit nominally lasts for 8 hours with using a full 30 minutes of flight and 10 hours if no flight is used. If flight is entirely disabled, the suit power can be maintained for 14 hours.


Helmet Options