
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 19:14, 31 August 2019 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Played by: User:Dasfier
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 220 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Fire Beast
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 15
Date of Birth: June 5, 2062
Place of Birth: The Great Mother's Nest
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: No Hair
Figure: Red and black skin, large beast like body, wears a silver collar with a long steel chain, and has a long tail. Walks on either 2 or 4 legs.
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Pup
Rank / Skill Level: Novice
Approved By: User:Neo Akazuli
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Much like any other pup, she’s curious about the world, and prone to bite and gnaw on things she probably shouldn’t have in her mouth. She’s wary around humans, often appearing afraid of them, because of past experiences. Don’t mistake that fear for weakness though, she will fight if she feels cornered.

Special Abilities

  • Exceptional Strength
  • Breath Weapon, Fire


Born as one of the youngest of the Great Mother’s pups, she often liked to wander around their home deep in the northern lands, she felt safe exploring those regions, she was often found by one of the matriarchs and brought back home, just as the sun set on the horizon. She had for the most part, a carefree and curious life.

One day she joined in a hunt to get food, she was so happy, she finally had the opportunity to leave her home and see what was beyond. Unfortunately that wonder didn’t last long, as soon she fell into a pit trap and was captured by humans. She was taken to a large human populated city, and into some kind of fortress city, where a collar and chain was put on her, and she was treated in a way that made her quiet, and obedient, she was fed, but she didn’t live a happy life and would try to escape when no one was looking.

One day she did escape, still with a long chain and the collar attached to her, then she ran into a strange distortion and wound up in a new world.