Icarus Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 05:18, 23 January 2019 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
9.8 km
4.9 km
2.4 km
88,000 Standard Crew
100,000 Security / Ground Forces
50,000 Pilots / Flight Crews
Power Source
Solar Induction Infuser
Matter-Antimatter Reactors (3)
Deuterium Fusion Reactors (170)
Wormhole Drive
Warp Drive
Impulse Drive

Defensive Systems

  • Ablative Hull Armor
  • Tri-Grid Deflector Shields

Offensive Systems

  • 33 Phaser Banks (4 Emitters Each)
4 Fore-Port, 4 Fore-Starboard, 2 Aft-Port, 2 Aft-Starboard -- Each on Dorsal and Ventral
3 Forward on the Dorsal Hull
  • 5 Photon Torpedo Launchers
3 Forward, 2 Aft

Auxiliary Craft

  • 3 Fighter Wings (Composed of an Interceptor, Assault, and Patrol Wings)
Contains approximately 2000 fighters of various types on a standard compliment.
  • 200 Auxiliary Non-Combat Craft
This is composed of shuttle crafts of Types 6, 7, 9, 11, and 18 along with a varied amount of runabouts and smaller starships (such as the Falcon, Phantom, or Kestrel class starships).


The Icarus Class has 6 fully functional dry dock facilities for starships up to the 2 Galaxy Class Starships each. The standard compliment of starships are 2 groupings as follows:

  • 1 Capital Ship
  • 2 Frigates
  • 4 Escorts